The Magnitude of Our Mission and The Ticking Clock of Time

“The magnitude of my mission and the ticking clock of time.” That was a statement that I read recently and it literally rocked my world. I was painfully reminded that my time on this planet is limited and there is still much to be accomplished. Goals for my family, objectives for our church, and then my own personal ambitions. Husband, dad, pastor, leader, coach, family member and friend are a few, but not all of the titles that I have. Wearing multiple hats is not always easy and often presses me to the point that I feel as if I am not wearing any of them as well as I would like to. It was this one sentence, “The magnitude of my mission and the ticking tock of time” that created something within my heart and mind a deeper sense of urgency. A desire to consider my priorities, evaluate my time, and a drive to do better. The management of our time is, believe it or not, a biblical concept. Whether it is James’ stern reminder in James 4:14, that “life is a vapor that appears for a little while”, or The Apostle Paul’s memento to the church at Ephesus (Ephesians 5:15) to be careful and guarded as to how you live and make the most of every day. Regardless of the season each of us are in, we need to be reminded that every day, is one less day, to accomplish the things that God has placed in our heart. For this reason alone, we need to understand the urgency of the moment.

Here are some helpful considerations as you reflect on your life and maximize the moments that we have in the life that we have been given:

First, remember that your life has value and that you are here on this earth for a reason: to love the Lord, to serve others, and to be an asset to humanity. You have distinct purpose and the mere fact that you are still here means that God is still using you. Embrace this simple, yet, profound truth and live in light of it. Secondly, you have distinct gifts, qualities, and strengths that are unique to you. You were given them to be used for the glory of God and the good of others. Don’t forfeit the opportunity to be productive in using them to serve God and serve others while you have the chance. Find your gift, focus on it, and use it to fulfill your calling. Somewhere, somebody needs what you have to offer. Lastly, guard against allowing the busyness of everyday life to push out the opportunities to do the greater work. If we don’t intentionally guard our days and our time, we’ll unintentionally miss the chance for God to use us. Henry David Thoreau, the 19th century American philosopher once said, “It is not enough to be busy ... The question is: what are we busy about?” I encourage you to reflect on that statement. Someone in your sphere of influence needs what you have to offer: a simple hug, a short visit, a little card, or a few minutes of your time. A church that needs your gifts and talents or a community that could use your impact.

It's a New Year. With every new earth cycle, comes the beauty of new opportunities, revitalized dreams, and renewed ambitions. God is giving each of us a reset. A new day and a new moment to correct what we've missed and go for what God has placed into our hearts. We must remember, however, that none of us have forever. We are all on a fixed time frame to accomplish the will of God for our personal lives. You are here for a purpose, you have a gift to bring to the table, and you have minimal time and opportunity to use it for God and others. I hope that when you think about the ‘magnitude of your mission’ in consideration of ‘the ticking clock of time’ you determine today that the rest of your days, will be lived out with intentionality and purpose. Happy New Year!