The Magnitude of Our Mission and The Ticking Clock of Time

“The magnitude of my mission and the ticking clock of time.” That was a statement that I read recently and it literally rocked my world. I was painfully reminded that my time on this planet is limited and there is still much to be accomplished. Goals for my family, objectives for our church, and then my own personal ambitions. Husband, dad, pastor, leader, coach, family member and friend are a few, but not all of the titles that I have. Wearing multiple hats is not always easy and often presses me to the point that I feel as if I am not wearing any of them as well as I would like to.

How easy is it to quit sinning?

How Easy Is It To Quit Sinning

In order to succeed at being a Christian, it is necessary to quit some things that we used to do. Specifically, in order to be a Christian it is necessary to quit sinful habits! Let me point blank tell any young Christian, it ain’t always easy to quit old sinful habits. The Bible often calls quitting “repentance”. Being a Christian starts with repentance. When Jesus told Nicodemus “You must be born again” it wasn’t a suggestion, it was a command. Being born again is Jesus’s metaphorical way of saying, start over, quit your old ways and relearn everything about how to live life. In John 15, Jesus told his disciples “Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.”