Doing Right Even When It Hurts

To some distressed individuals enduring significant opposition to their new way of living, Peter offered these words of comfort: “For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous” (I Peter 3:12). This conveys a reassuring message that God is always watching over those who strive to do what is right. This is the core message of Peter's first letter to Christians trying to live out their faith in a merciless Roman Empire. His letter was meant to encourage them in the face of suffering and to challenge them to continue doing what is right, even when it is difficult.

Hitting the Rumble Strips on the Roadways of Life

Rumble strips, also known as audible road markings or alert strips, are traffic markers used on highways across America for several decades. These side markers along the direction of travel are safety mechanisms to alert traveling drivers when they are drifting off their desired path. When a vehicle’s tires come across these small corrugated or raised bumps in the road, it creates a tactile vibration and audible noise that not only alerts the driver but wakes up every person in the car and greatly increases heart rate in a matter of milliseconds.

Let's Talk About Love

In 1986, Jake Garn a Republican United States Senator from Utah, did the unthinkable: he volitionally gave away a part of his body to someone else. Ok, it wasn’t just to anybody, but it’s still an amazing thing considering that 78% of Americans say they would be an organ donor, yet only 13% sign the dotted line. Senator Garn’s daughter, Susan, was suffering from progressive kidney failure due to aggressive diabetes and was in desperate need of a kidney. Without hesitation, her father stepped up and at the age of 55, he gave her one of his.

Seeing the goodness of God in the letdowns of life

The Book of Ruth is a cameo story of love, devotion, redemption and grace set in the dark context of the days of the Judges. Bible readers know that Ruth was a Moabite who forsakes her Pagan heritage to cling to the God of Israel. Her reward was a new husband (Boaz) and a son (Obed), and the eventual privileged position as great-grandmother to a king (David).

The Magnitude of Our Mission and The Ticking Clock of Time

“The magnitude of my mission and the ticking clock of time.” That was a statement that I read recently and it literally rocked my world. I was painfully reminded that my time on this planet is limited and there is still much to be accomplished. Goals for my family, objectives for our church, and then my own personal ambitions. Husband, dad, pastor, leader, coach, family member and friend are a few, but not all of the titles that I have. Wearing multiple hats is not always easy and often presses me to the point that I feel as if I am not wearing any of them as well as I would like to.