The Inevitability of Conflict

Divided individuals, family discord, broken friendships and damaged relationships have been part of the human experience for ages, much like the biblical story of Cain and Abel, who quarreled over their sacrifices to the Lord. Unfortunately, division, disagreement, disparity and conflict are common in our lives. While conflict is inevitable, how we respond to it is a choice. Our reactions to conflict are shaped by the actions we decide to take.
If you were to explore the life and lessons of Abraham, the patriarch of all major world religions, you’d find that his story proves that faith does not shield us from life’s realities. True faith is about trusting God amid our personal experiences. Despite being from a different culture and speaking another language, Abraham’s struggles remind us that humanity is fundamentally the same. He desired close family ties, health, financial security, safety and meaningful relationships. However, Abraham faced unexplained challenges—the discouragement of delayed promises, famine and battles—that tested his faith. Through these experiences, he learned to let go, trust God and embrace his journey.
One of Abraham’s greatest challenges was navigating the breakdown of human relationships. In Genesis 13, a family crisis arose when the material wealth of Abraham and his nephew Lot grew too large for them to coexist in the same land. Their prosperity led to conflicts among their herdsmen, as their expanding flocks required more grazing land and water in an area recovering from famine. This created tension, highlighting how the sense of entitlement that comes with affluence can clash when limited resources are available. The blessings they received, instead of bringing joy, became a significant burden on their families.
Conflict is an inherent part of the human experience. None of us will go through life without encountering situations that lead to conflict. The reasons for these conflicts can vary greatly, but one thing is certain: life will present us with differences that sometimes prevent us from reaching agreements. Family members may clash over inheritances, friends may argue over issues that should have been simple to resolve, and separated spouses might continue to try to make each other's lives as difficult as possible. Conflict was prevalent in the Bible, and it remains just as relevant today. The key question is not whether we will face conflict, but rather how those who walk by faith can respond. Abraham’s approach offers valuable insights that can help us navigate this common challenge.
The choices he makes in a moment of contention reveal his true character. When conflict arises, the first thing Abraham does is confront it directly and immediately. He doesn’t allow it to fester, which would only deepen resentment and bitterness. Instead, he seeks a remedy as quickly as possible.
Secondly, he demonstrates wisdom and discernment. He tells his nephew, "We are brethren," meaning that their connection goes beyond mere blood relations; they are linked on a deeper, spiritual level. Abraham understands that their relationship is more important than material possessions or determining who is right or wrong.
Lastly, he shows kindness and generosity. Not every relationship can be restored, and sometimes separation is the best choice moving forward. Even when parting is necessary, it’s important to do so with integrity and compassion. As the elder and steward of the land, Abraham offers Lot the opportunity to choose whatever land he prefers, exemplifying kindness.
Conflict is inevitable, but our responses and reactions are our choices. We never have to be rude or unkind. Instead, we should emulate Abraham and exercise genuine kindness, even in times of conflict.
Jesus left His disciples with these parting words: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.” (Matthew 5:9) The world may say that you are foolish for allowing someone to take advantage of you, but God declares you blessed when you choose to give up your rights for another. This, my friends, is one of the keys to making our world—a world that will always have conflict—a better place to live. Be blessed.
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