Red As a Cherry

Rick was a blonde curly-headed baby. No problem there, just beautiful curls. Anne did present a problem. She had beautiful curly locks as well, but she couldn't tolerate heat. Anne would turn red as a cherry when she became overheated.

Most everyone can regulate their body temperature by sweating. Not Anne. She just got redder as her temperature rose. I would sponge her off with a cool washcloth and move her to a shady location. The problem seemed unsolvable. Summer would be unbearable for her. We never found a solution.

Strawberry Cookie Bars

You could use seedless strawberry preserves instead of strawberry jam, but you are more likely to have strawberry jam in your pantry. In small bowl combine crumbs and sugar. Add melted margarine. Toss until combined. Press into bottom of 9 x 13-inch baking pan. Evenly drizzle condensed milk over crumbs. Refrigerate for 10 minutes to set. Lightly press in place. Spoon strawberry preserves over top. Sprinkle with coconut and nuts. Bake at 350 F. for 25 to 30 minutes or until lightly browned. Cut into bars. Store loosely covered at room temperature.

Primer On Spinal Adjustment

The hallmark of chiropractic treatment is the spinal adjustment, a manipulation of the individual bones — the vertebrae — that make up the spine. The purpose of the adjustment is to make sure those bones, through which the spinal cord stretches, are properly aligned. That’s important because the nerves that carry information from the brain to various parts of the body emanate from the spine, and reach out between the vertebrae. A vertebra in an improper position can impair the function of the nerve and cause a problem — pain or malfunction — in the affected body part.

'Broken Road' interview with producer Jill Holder

Have you ever spoken to a movie producer? I did recently when I had the honor of interviewing Jill Holder. She was not only the producer of the local inspirational movie “Broken Road,” but she acted in it as well. It premiered on January 30 of this year to a sold-out crowd at the Regal Pinnacle Theater Turkey Creek. On February 6, it had another showing with an almost full theater. There is another recent development in that “Broken Road” was selected for consideration in the International Chrisitan Film and Music Festival in Orlando, Fla.

If only I could be a genie for a day!

My mother was a stereotypical parent in one respect—there was no one that I dated who seemed to meet with her approval. The relationships that did get “the nod” from her were always doomed to failure. Admittedly, most of the ones that failed to receive her approval also met a bad end.

Once, when Mother was in “flat-out terms” giving me her unsolicited opinion of one of my female acquaintances, without doubt the one Mother most despised, she hissed, “If only I could be a genie for a day!”