Chiropractic and Your Flexibility

As we age, maintaining the flexibility of our bodies is an ever-increasing challenge. Flexibility is key to fighting off the stiffness that comes with aging. Also, the more flexible you are, the better you’re able to keep your balance and avoid an accident, like a fall, at home. So whatever sort of workout regimen you follow, be sure to incorporate some activities that are intended to improve flexibility.

Con Hunley to appear at UC Opry, free dinner served

Con Hunley is coming to the Union County Opry with special guest Justin Terry on March 29 at 7 p.m. at the Patriot Auditorium. And, the Union County Lions Club is offering a free spaghetti dinner, specially prepared for you by the Union County High School culinary class under the direction of Chef Zach Hodges. The dinner will be served in the cafeteria at 5 p.m. Come for dinner and stay for a terrific concert. Tickets for the show can be purchased at The Kitchen Design Center, 2945 Maynardville Hwy.

Apple grafting workshop is April 2

The Union County Extension and the Tennessee Department of Forestry are hosting a hands-on Apple Grafting Workshop on Wednesday, April 2, from 10 a.m. to noon at Chuck Swan State Forest in Sharps Chapel. This workshop is designed for adults interested in learning how to graft apple trees and will provide participants with the opportunity to take home at least three trees they graft themselves.

Let's Talk About Love

In 1986, Jake Garn a Republican United States Senator from Utah, did the unthinkable: he volitionally gave away a part of his body to someone else. Ok, it wasn’t just to anybody, but it’s still an amazing thing considering that 78% of Americans say they would be an organ donor, yet only 13% sign the dotted line. Senator Garn’s daughter, Susan, was suffering from progressive kidney failure due to aggressive diabetes and was in desperate need of a kidney. Without hesitation, her father stepped up and at the age of 55, he gave her one of his.

On the Wrong Right Leg

George Jones once had a hit titled “The Right Left Hand”. The song was about a man who had been divorced. He put a golden wedding band on the left hand of a love that was not to endure. Finally, the man felt he had found the right lady to marry, so this time he was going to put a golden band on another left hand, but this attached to the right mate for life.

HMMS hosts 1/2 to Graduation event, showcases CTE course offerings

Horace Maynard Middle School recently held a special "1/2 to Graduation" event, giving sixth grade students and families a glimpse into the exciting educational journey ahead. The event focused on preparing students for their future, highlighting the wide range of Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses available to them at HMMS and UCHS.

The Curiosity of Contrails

If you look up on a clear day you will likely see man-made clouds somewhere in the sky, trailing behind jet aircraft high up in the atmosphere. Contrails, short for condensation trails, are formed from the water vapor in aircraft exhaust as a byproduct of fuel combustion. Natural clouds form the same process of water vapor condensing in cool air as it rises, so technically contrails are clouds, just from an unnatural source.

Congratulations to 4-H Baking Contest winners! 🍪

A huge shoutout to our talented young bakers who wowed the judges with their delicious creations! We are so proud of all the students who participated, You put your heart and creativity into your baking, and it showed. Thank you to our judges, teachers, and families for supporting these amazing kids. Keep baking and chasing your dreams!