Mincey's Musings

Without and Within

The church of which I am currently a member put out a magnet a few years ago with the church’s logo and this catchphrase: Loveland—Where Everybody is Somebody.
I thought this a comforting sentiment. Church should be the one place that everyone feels like someone, no “big ‘I’s or little ‘you’s’”. Unfortunately, that is not always the case.

Sin Not, Waste Not

The first time I remember becoming aware of church dinners was when I was a young child. Maynardville Baptist (now the First Baptist Church of Maynardville) was going to have a homecoming. I didn’t understand at the time that homecoming was a special service to welcome former members and pastors to renew “auld acquaintance.

Don't forget the old paths

Many years ago Porter Wagoner did a recitation on his television show entitled “Trouble in the Amen Corner.” You can access it on YouTube.
The recitation tells the story of an old gentleman named Ira who sang in his church choir. His cracked voice did not harmonize well with the rest of the choir and he sometimes missed words.


I am “fed UP”. What does that exactly mean? For me, it does not mean that I have eaten so much food that I am no longer hungry.
Just to clarify, I’m really not “fed UP” about anything in particular, possibly other than the ever-increasing price of gasoline. I received an email from a friend titled “An Amazing English Two Letter Word”. The message reflected that the word “up” in the English language has more meanings than any other two letter word, and can function as five of the eight parts of speech we spent so much time learning in school.

It’s Weird Being the Same Age as Old People

I recently received an email with the phrase, “It’s weird being the same age as old people.”

My father had three full sisters who lived to maturity—Duskie, Fleetie and Vallie. One of them was once talking about their names. One sister said, “They gave Frank [my dad], Fred and Faustine normal names.” Another sister replied, “Well, Mother sure whopped it to us!” My uncle replied, “Who ever heard of a man named Purse?”
