Sara's Waggy Tails cares for furry friends

Interviews are a lot of fun for me since I enjoy meeting and getting to know other people. But this one is very special to me. You see, I had the honor of interviewing Sara Cox; the sole proprietor of “Sara’s Waggy Tails.”
Did you notice her last name is the same as mine? That is because she is my daughter.
While she was growing up, we couldn’t help but notice her love of animals. Actually, it went way past that. She seemed to also have a way with them as well. I used to joke that dogs would bite me, but they loved her. She could get them to behave and do things whereas I would receive a menacing growl. No exaggeration there.

Eagle Eye

It wasn’t my first choice for a vacation spot, but it was Tim’s. You see, he wanted to get away for a few days and do some fishing. I was in agreeance until he suggested going to Lake Logan. While I am a farm girl, I still like my modern conveniences.

Peachy Time

I truly believed I was going to have a fun adventure to tell my friends when I got back home. Let’s just say things didn’t go as planned.
Let me back up a little here. It was the summer of 1980 and I was fifteen years old. Mom, Mamaw Jo, Papaw E.O., and I were spending the weekend in Fletcher, NC. In case you’ve never heard of it, Fletcher is a small town just a little east of Asheville. Papaw’s army buddy Porter lived there and he invited us over to spend the weekend with him and his family.

"Crazy Woman!"

Word to the wise: “You just never know who is listening.”
Some of you already know this about me, but for those of you who don’t, my mother is an absolute hoot. When I was in high school, some of my friends would call and ask, “Is your mom there? I’d like to talk to her.” You know, I kinda got used to it.