Parenting Apart for Divorcing Parents

Divorce is a difficult and painful process for most people, even if they are able to get along. It is very hard for the children involved. Parents going through a divorce want to do the right things for their children. Sometimes they are so hurt and so busy with the legal details of the divorce that they are not aware of how the divorce is affecting their children.


Trauma—we have all experienced trauma, both little ones like when you lose your keys and you must be at an appointment in the next few minutes, to big ones like the loss of a loved one who was close to you. We all struggle with how to deal with trauma in our lives. Children in state custody live with practically daily trauma. They are taken from their home, and no matter how dysfunctional it seems to other people, it is home. For those who left home to go to college remember the pain in the pit of your stomach when you were driving away that first day?