Lions Club Vision Van Coming to Union County Sept. 29

Lions Club

If you or someone you know needs vision care and can't afford it, the Union County Lions Club is ready to help. The Lions Club Vision Van will come to Union County High School Saturday, Sept. 29, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., to provide eye exams or glasses to those in need. Hearing needs may also be addressed during this time, and services are by appointment only.

Union County Lions Club president Kathy Chesney said the event was made possible by overwhelming community support of a spring musical fundraiser, a gospel singing held at Union County High School featuring the Primitive Quartet, the Valley Boys and several other groups. More than 1,200 people turned out for the show, which raised more than $4,000 for the Lions Club.

For the Vision Van to visit Union County, the Union County Lions Club provided $3,500 for equipment and materials used. Proceeds from the singing more than covered the cost.

"Thank you to everybody who supported this fundraiser," said Chesney. "It really was a wonderful success. I was amazed at it, and I was surprised at not just the number but the enthusiasm of the crowd to really join in and be part of the event. It was a very spirit-filled, very active thing."

Chesney compared the singing to the Lions Club's other major fundraiser, selling Hawaiian Ice at festivals and events.

"It takes a lot of Hawaiian Ice to make $3,500, and to do it in one event is just awesome," she said.

All healthcare professionals at the Vision Van event donate their time and services for the day, and two to three weeks later, the Lions Club will host another event in which people can come and pick up their new eyeglasses.

The Lions Club is considering hosting another singing next spring, and Chesney said her personal goal would be to bring the Vision Van to Union County every year. Since transportation is difficult on a fixed income, bring the service to the community instead of sending people elsewhere makes sense, she said.

Chensey asked folks to continue supporting Lions Club fundraisers, like the upcoming winter pecan sale. Plain and chocolate-covered pecans ordered from Georgia will be available in local banks soon. There is also a box for donated, used eyeglasses at Food City. She also encouraged the community to come to Lions Club meetings and consider joining the club.

"I think the Lions Club is such a noble organization that has been active for so long worldwide," she said. "We're people who want to get together and better understand the needs of Union County, especially when it helps supportive services. Being able to hear how important that is to every aspect of your life and letting those services be available to everybody no matter where you are on the income spectrum is such a noble cause. We would love the community to come and find out what we do and join us."

The Union County Lions Club meets at noon every third Monday at Hardee's in Maynardville. All are welcome to attend.

Vision Van services are by appointment only and are income-based. For information or to schedule an appointment, call 865-566-3289.

Member for

7 years

Submitted by Kathy Chesney on Tue, 09/18/2018 - 10:14

We quickly filled up the appointments for this event. Now the task is to get enough volunteers to handle the crowd! We need: 6 Greeters, 3 to check out patients, 2 nurses (or clinical professionals to cover clinical history with patients), 2 to operate the Titmus machine and 1 to operate the Auto Refractor (operators can be trained morning of even, very easy to operate!).

Please call 865-566-3289 if you would like to volunteer.

I would personally like to invite our area churches to wear your church t-shirts or name badges (or I will provide name tags) so that as a community we can demonstrate loving our neighbors in the name of Jesus!