US Census last count day is September 30

By now you may have received the census worker's “knock at your door.” You may also have received a second census form in the mail if you have not already responded. Please respond by mail, by phone or by internet ( If you receive a visit, please cooperate with the census worker.
Last month Mayor Chandler challenged Plainview to reach an 80% response rate. Hopefully everyone will help Union County and our cities exceed the 2010 rate. Here are the response rates as of August 31, with the 2010 rate adjacent: Union County 59.2% (63.8), Luttrell 60.4% (66.9), Maynardville 61.3%, (62.6) and Plainview 72% (75.5).
Nationally, self response stands at 65%, but census taker visits have combined for a total response of 83.2% of the households being counted. Tennessee's self response is 65% with a combined total including home visits of 83.9% of the households being enumerated.
The census is mandated by the US Constitution to establish representation in Congress. Billions of federal dollars for education, roads, health care and the arts are distributed according to the census populations. Make sure we get our fair share of these dollars in Union County.
Get counted.