ICARE new logo and making news!

ICARE is a coalition dedicated to preventing alcohol and substance abuse in Union County, Tennessee. They meet on the last Thursday of each month at 11:30 am at Li’l Joe's BBQ, and the meetings are open to the public.
ICARE's director is Mindy Grimm, and her administrative assistant is Amanda Tucker (owner/operator of Liquid Lightning coffee shop in Maynardville). ICARE does not have 501c3 nonprofit designation, so it cannot solicit funds from the public. ICARE is a member of the Prevention Alliance of Tennessee and is funded by grants.
At the January 2020 meeting Grimm shared that ICARE lost the grant that provides for an administrative assistant, so she will only have help through the end of this fiscal year. Checking with AmeriCorps or Job Corps for additional funding that may be available was discussed. Grimm reported that they are facing two audits this year: a fiscal audit in February and an implementation audit in May. These audits are built into the grant cycle and just happen to fall at a busy time for her as she is currently updating four implementation plans, one for each of the following issues: Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco, and Suicide (and is on track with each of them!).
The five steps that must be demonstrated in ICARE's implementation plans include:
1. Assessment: Collect data to define needs.
2. Capacity: Mobilize or build capacity to address these needs.
3. Planning: Develop a comprehensive, data-driven plan.
4. Implementation: Implement programs, policies, and practices.
5. Evaluation: Measure the success of the programs.
Grimm reminded coalition members to please share any work they are doing in these areas. She also shared excitement about working with the Health Council to combat substance abuse as one of the areas of focus identified by our community health assessment.
Grimm shared the Institute of Medicine's continuum of care and how ICARE falls within the Prevention portion of the model. Prevention focuses on interventions before abuse begins, or reducing the risk. She also shared the history of the prevention strategies used from the 1950s through today. The Institute of Medicine is very specific about expecting organizations to address the issue of substance abuse by placing greater emphasis on prevention and treatment using strategies such as: evidence-based practices, strategic planning processes, and improved access to health insurance with better benefits for mental health and substance abuse services and support.
Grimm stated that we must abide by these guidelines per the grant specifications and shared alarming statistics about the excessive number of opioid and benzo prescriptions written in Union County in 2018, and the overlap between these two types of narcotics, which can be a major health concern. The alarming situation of Union County residents, as well as substance abuse issues across the state, prompted Grimm to propose legislation to the state of Tennessee for funding assistance. Grimm is requesting what she refers to as "wrap-around care." A major issue in Tennessee is the dwindling number of treatment facilities available, therefore she is requesting treatment centers, more care coordinators (currently one person may be called on to cover 5-6 counties) recovery resources, peer recovery specialists, and education. Public Health Educator Beth Sexton praised the work being done by Grimm through ICARE to address these issues.
Grimm concluded by asking each coalition member to look at the chart of Levels of Involvement and ask themselves where they are. She felt that most stakeholders were very close if not already at the highest level of involvement: Collaboration. Grimm praised the members for their participation while also encouraging them to remain at that top level.
Health Council Member and Certified Congregations Coordinator Mary Nell Varner shared that each pastor in Union County should receive information from the Health Council / ICARE about the opportunity to become a certified recovery congregation. The hope is that pastors will come together representing the faith communities, and explore how they may work together to impact substance abuse and the effect it has on families.
The meeting ended with each member sharing ideas for how they can work together addressing some of the issues facing our community. Look for more good things to come from the work from this awesome and determined task force!
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