Understanding the Scripture

Many times, we read the Scripture without grasping the understanding the true message. After many years of pastoring a little church and studying the Bible, I have come to realize that God will give us understanding if we will seek for the Spiritual meaning.

I believe the Holy Scriptures were written by men who were inspired by God through the Holy Spirit to write. In order for us to have understanding, the Scripture must be spiritually discerned.

Union County Children’s Charities

At this year’s Union County Heritage Festival, Thunder Road Printing & Graphic Design, while promoting their products and services, was doing a fund raiser for Union County Children’s Charities, Inc. This charity has an annual event called “Under The Tree Project”. Headed by president Gina Buckner, this is a program focused on providing Christmas gifts to Union County children who otherwise would have none. In an effort to raise funds to purchase gifts, Thunder Road Printing & Graphic Design, for a donation, was having a drawing for a large print of Smoky, the UT mascot.

County Comes Together for Oak Grove School

When the bell rang at Oak Grove School Sept. 30, a hush fell over the assembled crowd, not students this time but a community of volunteers, sponsors and well-wishers celebrating the grand opening of the renovated building.

“We’re going to ring the bell and take up books,” said Preservation Union County board member Betty Bullen. “Who remembers hearing that in a school like this?”

Welcome to the Heritage Festival

Bring your family and enjoy arts, crafts, music, and activities for all ages. Music is on three stages with the main stage in the gazebo. So grab a lawn chair or use one of ours, Following is a listing of the music line-up:


10:15 Stoney Point Bluegrass Band (formerly Hwy 33)
11:15 Wild Blue Yonder Band
12:00 Talk Around on Dr. Ralph Stanley
12:15 Stoney Point Bluegrass Band (formerly Hwy 33)
1:15 Wild Blue Yonder Band
2:15 Lakeway Twirlers w/ Caller: Mike Hoose
3:15 The Atkins

The Greatest Preacher

All the prophets in the Old Testament prophesied of the coming of Christ. Matthew chapter 4 verse 23 refers to Jesus in this way: and Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.

Contests! Shows! Displays! at the Heritage Festival

You still have time to enter a Heritage Festival contest. All registration forms are available at unioncountyheritagefestival.com and at the Union County Extension Office (4H) or Maynardville Public Library.

Hay Bale Contest-Decorate your business or yard by October 3. Must use a hay bale.

Pie Baking- Bake your favorite pie and bring to UT Extension on Friday, October 6.

Photo – Photograph a Union County person, place, or scene that shows coming home. Take your photos to the Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, October 4, by 4 pm.