A Five Dollar Loan

Have you ever loaned someone a few dollars and not expected it back? Most of us have at one time or another. This incident took place at a fast food restaurant on Broadway in Fountain City.

A fast food place is ideal for someone to start out or start over. It is at or near the bottom of the work ladder. If you have never worked before, and your education is minimal, you might begin your work history here. If you are retired and have fallen on hard times, they will hire you, too. If you are fresh out of prison or re-hab and especially if you're a woman, this is it.

If Walls Could Talk

Hello, everyone. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Oak Grove. I am a two-room school building in the Sharps Chapel area of Union County. Let me tell you a little about myself.

If you were to search for records on me, about the oldest you would find are from the registers kept by teachers. These registers were and continue to be legal documents. Still in 2018, registers are often used to verify a birthdate for a former student who has no birth certificate and needs proof of birth for social security, disability, and other benefits.

Box Turtle Trivia

The way a turtle is put together is pretty much the reverse of ours. I mean look at it: we have soft body parts protecting a hard-inner skeleton. Turtles have a hard-outer skeleton protecting inner soft body parts. The most common turtle you'll run into around here (and one you probably aggravated when you were a kid) is the eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina).

Chasing Bugs

One advantage to living out in the country: chasing bugs. When I was a girl, I was fascinated by anything that flew. That’s why I spent most of my childhood running across my papaw’s fields in pursuit of butterflies or lightning bugs.

Tomato Gravy

My husband liked sliced tomatoes. When it came his time to serve in World War II, tomatoes were out of season. In those days if something was out of season, it was unavailable to most folks; not like today. Fresh fruit and vegetables are flown in from exotic places such as South America and India. Restaurants, back then, did serve what were called hot house tomatoes. They were grown in greenhouses. Such tomatoes were a pretty red, but flavorless.

The Unity Community

A common theme for candidates running for office in Union County this year is unity. Several candidates have incorporated unity in their campaign slogans. Martin Shafer’s campaign slogan is “The Unity Community”. Charlie Hamilton’s campaign slogan is “The Voice of Unity”. During early voting, the Reverend Gary Beeler led all the candidates in a unity of prayer each morning. Viewed more than 7,000 times over the past 10 days on Facebook, this prayer circle has become somewhat of a social media phenomenon.

Remembering Those in the HMHS Class of 1960 Who Have Gone On

I recently wrote about the 2018 Reunion of the Horace Maynard High School Class of 1960. While researching the names in the picture, I tried to get the names of those class members who had passed away. At that time, I was not able to do that. Since that time, Frank Sharp, who made the wonderful picture of those in attendance, contacted class member, John Capps, who has provided the information. There were 102 graduates in 1960; 35 have now passed away; and we are glad 67 members are still with us. Thank you Frank and John for keeping their memory alive.

The Chiropractic Examination: Piriformis Syndrome

The piriformis muscle, located deep in the buttock, can cause a great deal of pain if it goes into spasm. The chiropractic approach to diagnosing this syndrome includes a full evaluation of your spine and pelvis and the related musculature. A functional, orthopedic and neurological examination is normally also performed.