Goat Salami

We sold my dad's farm to some folks from Chicago. I shouldn't say that these Chicago people were different, but they were. They had never farmed before. This was to be an adventure. Yeah right, adventure! It was hilarious watching those city dudes adjust to country living. They stood out on a goat farm in a county that didn't do goats. We couldn't give them any advice on how to raise goats. We recognized a picture of a goat when we saw one. That was about it. Fortunately, for the goats, their enterprise thrived.

Preventing iPad neck

The human neck is composed of 7 bones. These bones are coupled together by delicate joints. Injury to the neck can result in one or more of the neck joints locking out of position. This causes pressure on the delicate nerves that are situated close by these joints. The result is pain!

Pain spreading to your shoulders and arms is one of the most common types of neck pain and is usually caused by pressure on the joints and nerves at the bottom of the neck. Here are some tips to avoid neck and shoulder pain while using a tablet computer:

Fried Green Tomatoes

We all have our own recipe for Fried Green Tomatoes. I have mine and will share it with you. Green tomatoes fresh from the garden are best, but nowadays, you can buy them at the grocery store. I buy a couple whenever I see them, even though they cost the same as the ripe ones. Do you think, like I do, that they should be cheaper, since they're not ripe? Oh well.

A Guide for Christmas Tree Varieties

I grew up using local cedar trees for Christmas trees from farm fence rows, mostly because that’s all there was. But modern commerce has allowed a greater variety of evergreen species available. So that you may be an informed consumer, here is a listing of Christmas tree species and their attributes.

Virginia pine: A popular one for growers due to its rapid growth and ability to take heavy shearing. The foliage is dense with light green needles around 3 inches long; Needle retention is good if obtained reasonably fresh; Fragrance is fair; Cost is usually lower than most.

Bra Tourniquet

While I was rather proud of my ingenuity, Sara was mortified. And that made for an interesting sauce.

One spring semester, Sara took Parasitology, which is the study of parasites. She had to collect insects on a list and pen them to a board with their scientific names written underneath. For a few weekends when she came home from college, we spent many hours chasing insects around the yard with nets.

Baked Cake Toppings

To eliminate the need for frosting and/or to have the cake ready to eat as soon as it is cool enough, some cakes can be made with a topping spread on the batter before baking. They are quick and easy to make and eliminate the necessity of frosting the cake after baking. Baked toppings are best on cakes baked in square or oblong pans. The following recipes will make enough topping to frost them. If you are making a cake in a large jelly roll pan, double the recipes.

1 cup grated semisweet or sweet chocolate
½ cup chopped pecans or walnuts

Corum/ Riddle 2018 BPA Woman and Man of the Year

With support from a packed house of well wishers, Union County Business & Professional Association named Gail Corum and James (Rick) Riddle as the 2018 Woman & Man of the Year at the 28th Annual Banquet held at the Union County Senior Center. Ms.Corum serves as the current Chairperson for UCBPA Charities, Inc. and administers the finances for UCBPA Scholarships as well as other agencies. In addition, she serves as treasurer for UCBPA. She volunteers with Union County Children's Charities: Under the Tree and worked to get the 501c3 certification.

Authors Guild of Tennessee Receives Proclamation

Knoxville TN: Knoxville Deputy Mayor, Bill Lions, presented a proclamation on behalf of the people of Knoxville to the Authors Guild of Tennessee proclaiming November 1, 2018 as Authors Day in the City of Knoxville. The proclamation was signed by Mayor Madeline Rogero. A second proclamation from Knox County was presented by Randall Carpenter and signed by County Mayor Glen Jacobs.

Samuel Jefferson Ledgerwood

Samuel Jefferson Ledgerwood - Early Superintendent of Union County Schools

Searching and researching our history at times is very difficult. Sometimes it is right in front of us and we can’t see it. In trying to organize some old pictures I found a picture of Samuel Jefferson Ledgerwood, son of Marganner and James Lourentry Ledgerwood, and a little history to go with it.

Wise Fools

"Oh boy!" This catch phrase was uttered by fictional character Sam Beckett from the TV series Quantum Leap in every episode as he would leap into a seemingly impossible situation. Romans Chapter 1 is probably one of the most controversial chapters in the Bible, especially in our age of diversity and tolerance. The reasons Romans 1 is so controversial is because most people stop reading at the end of chapter 1, ignore the context and rail against one particular type of sin. Michael the archangel did not even rail against Satan when contending with that devil over the Law. (Jude 1:9). For the record, Paul's letter to the Romans is about SALVATION.