Extension History

Pig and Tomato Clubs

UT Extension Union County Big Sinks 4H Girls Club

Big Sinks 4H Club, Girls newly made uniform aprons.

Because of the relocating of 1100 families in Union County, the building of Norris Dam and the flooding during the building, the 4-H programs had to be put on hold. In 1936 Agent C.B. Barnes started the programs back up with 77 boys in Luttrell, Big Sinks and Rush Strong. The boys had “Pig” Clubs and performed well in competition. The Sears and Roebuck Company sponsored an essay contest .

1930s Extension History Tobacco

UT Extension Union County Agents teaching about soil erosion.

Agents teaching about soil erosion.

In 1934, the Union County Extension agents, along with the local farmers, started the Tobacco Control Program. That year there were 1,100 family farms that were located in fertile bottoms where Norris Lake is presently located. There were 1,374 farms throughout Union County.
In 1935, an extra agent, Mabel Moore, was assigned to Union County as a Special Home Demonstration Agent. She was working along with TVA to mainly focus on Soil Erosion through the Erosion Control Association. Another agent, Oma Whorley, was assigned to serve District IV.