Most Missed

The easiest way to find something lost around the house
is to buy a new replacement for it.

I traveled to Murfreesboro for a meeting last Wednesday evening. I attended the meeting and returned home the following evening.
On Friday morning I arose and proceeded to dress in old clothes to assist with the food distribution at Union County High School. As I was emptying pockets from the pants I wore on Thursday, I could not locate my checkbook.
I didn’t totally panic, though I was quite anxious. It was possible that I could have lost that checkbook anywhere between my house in route to and from Murfreesboro. That was a considerable amount of territory.
I did know that I drove without stopping on the return trip except for one stop at Monroe Cemetery in Maynardville to visit the grave of a recently buried friend. I returned there on Friday morning. I encountered an elderly gentleman who was mowing the cemetery. I asked him if he had come across a checkbook. He hadn’t, but took my name and number in case he should find it. I retraced my steps through the dew-covered graves to see if I could find it. I also looked all over the house, cars, roadside between the cemetery and home. No luck.
At last I decided I’d better go to the bank and cancel my checking account and open another. I tried to think when last I had written a check. Luckily, I do keep a computer list of my checking account, so that was easily identifiable. The bank teller was most helpful in helping me close and open the accounts.
Guess what? I found the checkbook on Saturday. It was in a pocket of the pair of pants I had picked out to wear to church on Sunday. I looked through all the clothes in the laundry, but never thought to look at the pair of pants hanging on my bedroom doorknob.
Now I am still in the process of having direct deposits and automatic deductions routed to the new account.
On another note, you might recall my article of a few weeks ago that concerned a credit card company that would not issue me a replacement card because the telephone number information they had on file did not match any number I could give them. This very day in the mail, several months after this occurred for the second time, I received the replacement card in the mail. It seems the expiration date is approaching, so the company has automatically reissued the card. As an old country song once said, “Gee, ain’t it funny . . .”
Into every life a little turmoil must come. May yours, Dear Reader, be infrequent and not too frustrating.

Perhaps your smartphone, maybe your TV, but something has definitely been collecting dirt on you for years. What is it? YOUR VACUUM CLEANER HAS BEEN COLLECTING DIRT ON YOU FOR YEARS

What did the twins argue about? (See next week’s article in for the answer.)


Of all things I’ve lost, I miss my mind the most.

I don't always go the extra mile, but when I do, it's because I missed my exit.

Senility has been a smooth transition for me.
I'm at that age where my mind still thinks I'm 29, my humor suggests I'm 12, while my body mostly keeps asking if I'm sure I'm not dead yet.
I had amnesia once --- maybe twice.
It's not my age that bothers me - it's the side effects.
"First you forget names, then you forget faces, then you forget to pull your zipper up, then you forget to pull your zipper down." - Leo Rosenberg

"The important thing to remember is that I’m probably going to forget." – Unknown

"As you get older three things happen. The first is your memory goes, and I can't remember the other two." - Sir Norman Wisdom

Remember, if you lose a sock in the dryer, it comes back as a Tupperware lid that doesn't fit any of your containers.

I came. I saw. I forgot what I was doing. Retraced my steps. Got lost on the way back. Now I have no idea what's going on.

I tried to catch some fog, but I mist.



Asher is scooping up cones for a cause

Asher makes an OMAVOL Orange snow cone for a waiting customer.

Last summer Asher Effler, a 10-year-old with an amazing work ethic, was trying to find something to keep him busy. He wanted something that he could organize, raise some money, and help somebody all at the same time. So he discussed his options with his parents and together they decided to set up a table in the front yard and give away snow cones for a donation. Then he would use the money to purchase stuffed animals for the children at East Tennessee Children's Hospital.

Commission: no tax increase; 6% raise for most employees

Unanimous vote on budget resolution with no tax increase.

The Union County Commission approved all documents relating to the FY25 Budget unanimously, except for one negative vote by 3rd District Commissioner Kenny Moore on the Non-Profit Budget. The tax rate will remain the same.
The sheriff’s department will get a step increase of two percent. as will EMS. Other county employees will receive a six percent raise which moved them three steps on the pay scale.

BOE extends Director Clay's contract

Chairman Marty Gibbs explains the results of Director Greg Clay's evaluation while Andrew Reed reviews the proposed contract extension in his chrome book.

In the June meeting the Union County Board of Education extended Director Greg Clay’s contract to June 30, 2028.
Clay received high marks from teachers, administrators and school board members during the evaluation process.

Plainview elects Beeler mayor

Election Administrator Candy Booker continues a time honored tradition as she announces the Plainview and Maynardville election results from the courthouse steps in Union County.

The Plainview election has buzzed with anticipation as a record 171 votes were cast in the early voting. For the first time in recent memory, two candidates, current Mayor Gary D. Chandler and Commissioner Lynn Beeler, ran for Mayor of Plainview. Three candidates, Keith Brantley, Gordon Bright and Rebecca Lock challenged for two seats. On election day, 206 voted.

Corum Bookkeeping wins BPA golf tourney

UCBPA President Tammie Hill awards Corum Bookkeeping Service First Place in the UCBPA Scholarship Benefit Golf Classic of 2024.

Union County Business & Professional Association hosted the 2024 Scholarship Benefit Golf Classic on June 15 at Three Ridges Golf Course.
Golfers enjoyed a complimentary lunch by Lil Jo's BBQ. Eight teams competed for the top prizes. Corum Bookkeeping Services was the tournament champion. The City of Plainview team was second and Union County Education Association took third.

Taste of the Market

Market shoppers looking over the beautiful greens available at the Thompson Farm booth. Photo by Holly Rainey

Do you remember those Saturday mornings when you attended the market and were able to taste some of that farm fresh produce? That’s the Farmers’ Market Fresh program and … we’re back! The market is in full swing at the Heritage Park pavilion with lots of farm fresh produce; spring produce, like all those healthy greens are still available, and tasty summer produce like heirloom tomatoes, cucumbers, squash and blueberries have already turned up at the market. Of course, meat, eggs, crafts and more (there are even dog treats!) can also be found at the Union County Farmers Market.

Good and Bad News for People with Low Back Pain

Low back pain is a major cause of disability around the globe, with more than 570 million people affected.

A systematic review and meta-analysis, conducted by an international team of researchers, included 95 studies with the goal of understanding the clinical course of low back pain.

For people with new back pain, pain and mobility problems lessened significantly in the first 6 weeks, but then recovery slowed. Many people with persistent low back pain (more than 12 weeks) continue to have moderate-to-high levels of pain and disability.

Food for Thought

“Grandma, I’m hungry,” the little five-year-old girl said to her grandma. “Honey,” her grandma said back to her. “We are about out of food, but we will make it some way ’til Monday and get help with food from the Union County Food Pantry. You see, grandma and her husband, called Grandpa, were raising three grandchildren, the children of their daughter who left her kids with Grandma and Grandpa three years ago due to her being a heavy drug user. Her whereabouts are unknown and they don’t know if she is still alive.

The Ones That Got Away

Ray Lewis, Gail Bradley (my mom), Doug Clark, Mike Overton, and sitting next to him is his brother Carl Overton. Standing in the background is my uncle, Estell Clark. Sitting behind Carl is my daughter Sara Bunch.

If you know me, then you know that I’m not a fisherman. I struggle with being quiet, sitting still, and not falling into the creek. As for my husband and daughter, they not only love to fish, but they are also very good at it.
That being said, I have occasionally heard them fuss and get frustrated when they were trying to reel in a rather large fish. Unfortunately, some of the fish would fight and manage to get off the hook. That’s when they usually say: “You ought to have seen the one that got away.”

Banana oatmeal cookies

Do you have bananas hanging out on your kitchen counter? Are they a lovely shade of yellow flecked with brown? Those bananas are ready for these cookies. Bake 'em! Preheat oven to 400 F. Mix shortening, sugar, egg, and mashed bananas well. Add flour, baking soda, salt and spices. Stir in quick oats and chocolate chips or chopped nuts.

Some Fourth of July History: An Appeal to Heaven

Trees and American history collide. Art Work by Bella Roark.

Trees and American history collide.

The first American Navy consisted of six schooners paid for and pressed into service by none other than General George Washington in 1775. He pleaded with the Continental Congress that he needed a Navy immediately, but true to form, the Congress endlessly debated on the need for a Navy, how to organize and fund ships, and so on until Washington’s patience was at an end, so he funded the ships himself.

What Am I? What Are You?

I love the following poem written by Emily Dickinson.
I’m Nobody! Who are you?
Are you – Nobody – too?
Then there’s a pair of us!
Don’t tell! They’d advertise – you know!
How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog –
To tell one’s name – the livelong June –
To an admiring Bog!
I don’t know about you, Dear Reader, but I think I might be neurotic.
I first thought this because I repeatedly wake myself up at night pulling my hair, then rubbing my hand against my lips to see if I have pulled out any loose hair.

The Indian Battle of Sharp’s Station

December 1794
Nicholas Gibbs stood on the banquette (baNGˈket) of the fort overlooking the wooded forest and mountain ridges. He had risen early from a light sleep before dawn to stay on watch for any uninvited guests. He had been there all day trying to get a glimpse of the Indian war party known to be in the area.

Anatomy of the back

Your back and spine are made up of a complex latticework of bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves that are critical to the functioning of your entire body. The spinal cord, after all, the highway on which signals travel back and forth between the brain and the other parts of the body, runs down the middle of the back.

Zoo girl

Did you have lots of pets when you were a kid? Not me and there’s a reason for that. The first one I ever had was Heidi. She was a German Shepherd puppy we got from a family friend. I was so excited when my daddy brought her home. At that time, I hadn’t developed my fear of dogs yet. Let me tell you, I loved that little dog. I played with her and she followed me around everywhere. Heidi was my little buddy. Then she became very sick. Apparently, the vet had given her liter too much worm medication. Unfortunately, Heidi didn’t make it. Needless to say, I was heartbroken.

Picking up stones

Don't ask any of my three children, Tom, Anne and Elizabeth, if they want to go pick up stones. Why? Because they have already done more thantrheir share. I have never purchased stone to lay up a wall, etc.,not with so many stones out there just waiting for me to grab. Fieldstone makes a good wall. there are so many different shapes, colors and sizes. If the stone doesn't fit, it can be hammered down to size.

Pimiento cheese deviled eggs

There are many ways to flavor deviled eggs. Some have pimiento cheese as an ingredient. Yes, this one does, too. Place eggs in large saucepan. Cover with 2 inch of water. Add 1 teaspoon salt. Heat over medium low heat until lightly bubbling, Cover, turn off heat and let stand until cool. Drain and cover with cold water. Carefully peel eggs and rinse in cold water. Cut eggs in half lengthwise.

Dandelion, a Yard Wildflower

Dandelion is one of the few plants most people can name.

Dandelion is one of the few plants most people can name.

Everyone knows the dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), which is usually found somewhere in your lawn unless herbicides are heavily used. This European import is probably enemy number one on the lawn weed list, but it is still an interesting study, being both an edible and a medicinal.

Union County Extension 1972 Records

Old yearbook ads around 1972 that had photos of some local businesses. Submitted by Carol Pratt

Old yearbook ads that have photos of some local businesses. Photo submitted by Carol Pratt

The Extension Office from 1972 records recorded the following written by the Agent. The Problems faced, what Extension did. Within five to ten years the Union County Extensions Office gathered information to help the county with establishing a council to assist with Planning Commission and other government on Resource Development. They gathered information to resolve problems in our rural community.

Union County 4H Camp

2024 Jr. 4-H Camp

Union County 4-Her’s had a blast at 4-H camps this summer. Junior 4-H Camp was held June 10-14 with 31 Union County 4th-6th graders, 5 adult leaders, and 2 teen leaders attending. Junior High 4-H Camp will be held July 8-12th. Both camps are held in Greeneville at Clyde Austin 4-H Center, Monday through Friday annually.

Family Community Education Club

FCE Cultural Arts 2024

The FCE club of Union County has been busy the last couple of months. In April, we attended the Spring Fling luncheon at Temple Baptist Church in Knoxville, TN. The Spring -Fling consisted on crafts, lunch, hat parade, awards ceremony, garden shop, and guest speakers Neal Denton and Heather Kyle from Knox County. On May 16th, we gathered at the Union County Extension Office for the annual Spring Luncheon!

Berry Spinach Salad

Berry Spinach Salad

In a large bowl, toss together baby spinach, blackberries, feta cheese, cherry tomatoes, green onion, and walnuts
-Place berries in the refrigerator, unwashed, because excessive moisture can make them mold quickly.
-Spinach should be loosely wrapped in a damp paper towel and stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.
-Store cherry tomatoes on the counter at room temperature for the best flavor and texture. Wash just before eating.

The value of massage

Chiropractors may be best known for the procedure of spinal adjustment, but they have a variety of techniques at their disposal. one of them is massage therapy, an effective way to ease pain and loosen stiff muscles. Getting a massage is not just a way to pamper oneself at the spa. And there are different types of massage.

The Path

Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see,
and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein,
and ye shall find rest for your souls.
But they said, We will not walk therein. (Jeremiah 6:16 KJV)

The lines are fallen to me in pleasant places;
yea, I have a goodly heritage. (Psalm 16:6 KJV)

If Thermometers Could Talk

How forgetful are you? While my age is a part of it, I have always struggled with my memory. For instance, back in high school I was desperately searching for my glasses one day before class. I worried about my mom having to buy me another pair. My teacher simply stated: “They’re on top of your head.” I reached up and pulled them down. Yep, that really happened.

Fresh Tomato Salad

Fresh tomatoes in the summertime are a treat. The winter hothouse ones are pretty but lack flavor. This is a summertime salad, place prepared vegetables in large bowl. Combine dressing ingredients and mix well. Pour over vegetables and lightly toss. Refrigerate at least 4 hours to allow flavors to blend. Serve on lettuce leaves.

The Fun of Doodlebugs

Doodlebugs dig these funnel shaped holes and lie in wait at the bottom for ants to fall into.

Doodlebugs dig these funnel shaped holes and lie in wait at the bottom for ants to fall into.

My Uncle (Cas Newton Day) remained a kid at heart to his last days. I loved him for it, for I think (and hope) a little of it rubbed off on me. To illustrate, he and I, both grown adults, were helping hang tobacco in a barn that had very dusty soil in front of the doors. We noticed funnel shaped indentions in the soil and asked what it was.

Time is running out!

Will you help the Union County Lions Club provide needed eye exams and glasses for residents and screening exams for all pre-school students? One way to contribute to the work that the Lions do in our community is to buy a Reverse Raffle ticket. Tickets are $10 each. The money raised goes directly to the Lion Charities. Tickets can be purchased from Union County Lions members Pastor Kathy Chesney (865) 566-3289; Ronnie Mincey (865) 278-6430; Debbie Sylvia-Gardner (865) 603-5081; or Shirlee Grabko (865) 310-6874.

Delicious Feast for Veterans

Delicious food aromas hit you as you walked in the door of the American Legion Hall on June 3. If you thought you weren’t hungry before, the wonderful smells of the Chicken Alfredo dinner immediately changed your mind. And there was so much food – all expertly prepared by the cooks of the Veterans Volunteers. In addition to the huge pan of the Alfredo (see photos), there were pans of Caesar Salad and individual loaves of garlic bread that were baked to perfection.

Be careful how you sit

Many of us spend a good portion of our workdays sitting at a desk. Too much sitting, of course, is not good for anyone. We are not meant to be sedentary creatures. And recent research has concluded that it’s important for anyone who needs to sit for extended periods of time to get up and walk around at least once every hour.

Wilma Dykeman left a legacy of environmental awareness

Wilma Dykeman on her porch in Newport during the 1960's (the height of her career), with Mt. Guyot in the background (to the far right).

“Shaconage—Place of the Blue Smoke—the Cherokees called it, the long range of forested pinnacles and plunging valleys crowning the boundary between North Carolina and Tennessee. Eden was the description bestowed by early botanists on this virgin wilderness. But thickets of intertwined laurel and tough rhododendron were known to hunters and settlers as hells.”
Very few writers have captured the essence of the Great Smoky Mountains as accurately as these words written by Wilma Dykeman in her book Explorations, published in 1984.

Turtle Trot

“Guess what I just did,” my husband Tim asked as he bounded into the kitchen. As my Mamaw Jo would say: “He’s smilin’ from ear to ear.” It was obvious that he was happy about something.
But I went with what would make me happy: “You bought a large box of chocolates?” Hey, a girl can dream.

Salmon Loaf

Art work of salmon with a fishing rod.

A can of salmon on your pantry shelf is always a good beginning for a tasty meal. Drain salmon. Remove skin and bones. Flake salmon with a fork. Add softened cream cheese, lemon juice, onion, salt and liquid smoke. Stir well. chill mixture, covered, several hours or overnight. Then shape salmon mixture into a log. Combine pecans and parsley. Stir well. Roll salmon log in pecan mixture. Place on serving plate and chill for several hours. Makes a 10 inch log. Serve with assorted crackers.

Summertime Blisters

Tis the season for blisters

By Steve Roark
Volunteer, Cumberland Gap Historical Park

Summer tends to up activity levels with most folks, such as hiking or working in a garden. Sometimes these activities lead to a blister, which is your body's way of telling you to ease off on what you're doing. They are of course the result of too much friction, possibly from poor-fitting shoes or not wearing work gloves. There are several opinions on how to treat them.

Sharps Chapel Foundation prepares for Fall Fest

Sharps Chapel Festival

Pick Weaver and family enjoy listening to live music at last year’s festival. Photo by Kelly Clarke

If you weren’t able to attend Sharps Chapel’s Fall Festival last September with the rest of the 3,000 visitors, rest assured that fun plans are already in the making for Saturday, September 28. We interviewed the festival’s co-presidents, Kelly Clarke and Miranda Sharp.

What can the community expect to see this year?

Joggin' for Jaelyn 5K for MADD is June 29

On June 29, the Joggin' for Jaelyn for MADD 5K will be held at Wilson Park in Maynardville. This annual event honors the memory of Jaelyn Collins and critically injured Ashton Bailey, two young women tragically struck by a drunk and distracted driver on June 27, 2021. The purpose of this 5K is to bring awareness to the devastating consequences of drunk and distracted driving. All proceeds from the event will go to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) to support their efforts in awareness and prevention.

Veterans remembered on Memorial Day at Wilson Park

From the Union County Veterans Wall

It was a brilliant day. The sun was shining, the wind gently blowing the flags. Darrell White, Commander of the Union County American Legion New Liberty Post 212, opened this year’s somber Memorial Day Ceremony with a list of names of local veterans who passed on this year and last: William Acuff, US Army; Darrell Ailor, US Marine Corps; Jim Collins, US Army; Jack Myers, US Army; Lloyd Railey, US Army; Hershell Sharp, US Air Force; Junior Smith, US Army; Bob White, US Army; Ivon White, US Marine Corps; and my former neighbor Marshal Wolfenbarger, US Army.

BOE approves budget with no tax increase

Director Greg Clay listens as the Union County Board of Education discusses the FY 25 Budget.

Budget concerns plagued the Union County Board of Education during most of the spring meetings from March through May. But after many discussions in workshops and meetings the board approved a budget for FY 25 with no tax increase in a special called meeting on May 22.

Vice Mayor Sidney Jessee chaired May County Commission

Sidney Jessee Jr. presided over the May Union County Commission meeting because Mayor Bailey was on vacation. The meeting got a late start due to the lengthy budget committee meeting. The budget committee approved and recommended all budgets to the commission except the County FY25 General Fund 101. A vote to recommend Fund 101 failed 2 to 6 with Chairperson Cheryl Walker and Commissioner Gerald Simmons supplying the only affirmative votes.

UCBPA Scholarship Benefit Golf Classic is June 15

UCBPA President Tammie Hill congratulates Ryan Burkhart whose team won the 2023 tournament.

Union County Business & Professional Association will host the 2024 Scholarship Benefit Golf Classic on Saturday, June 15, at Three Ridges Golf Course, 6101 Wise Springs Road, Knoxville. Tee time is 1 p.m.

Golfers can enjoy a complimentary lunch by Lil Jo's BBQ. The entry fee is $100 per player and there are four golfers to a team. At least one Closest to the Pin and one Longest Drive will be awarded along with door prizes. Team awards are 1st place $500, 2nd place $300, and 3rd place $100.

Union County Candidate Forum Set for June 11 at Maynardville City Hall

Union County Business & Professional Association will host its candidate forum on Tuesday, June 11th, at noon at Maynardville City Hall, 125 Johnson Rd. All state and local candidates have been invited. R. E. Ellison, a Democrat, will face the August primary winner between incumbent Senator Frank Niceley and newcomer Jessie Seal. Both Ellison and Seal plan to attend. Patty Mills, who is running unopposed for Republican State Executive Committeewoman, has also been invited. Representative Dennis Powers is running unopposed for the Tennessee House of Representatives.

State Fire Marshall reviewing new middle school plans

An architect's drawing of the new middle school

The Lewis Group Architects shared the final plans for the new middle school with the Union County Board of Education at the regular meeting on May 9. The main entrance will be on John Deere Drive. This entrance is planned with a canopy to accommodate the bus unloading and loading. The back entrance on Beeler Hollow Road is currently designated for car drop off and pick up.

4-H members provide community service

Maynardville Elementary School 5th grade 4-H officers with pop top tabs to deliver to the Ronald McDonald House.

Community service is such an integral part of 4-H. Both our Honor Club and All Stars group are designed to promote community service, and all of our clubs participate in service projects. They range from sending cards to those that are homebound or at Willow Ridge, to serving a meal for the veterans of Union County, to removing non-native invasive plants at Big Ridge State Park—a real variety!

UC 4-H students excel at regional Clover Bowl

Our 6th grade team in the heat of competition

Excitement filled the air at the plaza of the UT Alumni Memorial Hall on May 16 as 4-H Clover Bowl teams from all over East Tennessee gathered. Teams of four or five 4-H members and their parents chatted, snacked and quizzed each other while waiting for the competition to begin.

UCHS Tennis receives All District Awards

Girls All-District Tennis Doubles in Ava Tiller and Travyn Farmer

At the 2024 Division 1, Class A, District 2 Tennis Tournament, the Union County High School Tennis Team received All-District Awards in Doubles Play. Ava Tiller & Travyn Farmer in Girls Doubles, and Dalton Schreieck & Jace Walker in Boys Doubles, were recognized for their competitive spirit, good sportsmanship, and winning record.

UCBPA awards scholarships

The Union County Business & Professional Association awarded a total of 10 scholarships for 2024. UCBPA annually awards the Tracy Jeffreys Memorial Academic Scholarship to honor extensive commitment to educational achievement, mentoring of youth and professional ethics, as well as the tremendous amount of service that Marvin and Doris Jeffreys have given to Union County. The scholarship also memorializes Tracy, their deceased daughter.

It's a Boy!

It was a few months before the baby’s due date. We were all so anxious since we had to wait. Sara and Jordan already knew what was real, while everybody else had to wait on the reveal. For team girl or team boy, we all wore buttons. Some were adults and others were “youngins.” Out of a box of balloons, Sara and Jordan pulled out a fish. It wasn’t a real one, but a toy one that you could squish. As they yanked up the blue fish, poppers were set off by each papaw. The crowd cheered: “It’s a boy!” after the blue they all saw. In October, we should have sweet little Maverick Jace.


Spring Tour With Museum Mike!

"Come by the Lenoir Museum at 1:00pm on Saturday's throughout the spring for a tour with Museum Mike! These tours will occur on a weekly basis. These tours are completely free, but please consider registering and donating to the Museum! 100% of your donation stays in our Lenoir Museum and is used for programs, interpretive displays, and other improvements. Thank you for your ongoing support!

Free Wacky Wednesday Summer Camp at Irwin’s Chapel

Join us for faith based, fun filled afternoons of music, games, crafts a prizes!
Lunch & snacks will be provided!
Every wednesday beginning May 29th thru July 31st 12 Noon til 5:00 PM
ALL ages Welcome! (must be Potty trained)
Free Admission!!
Irwin's Chapel UMC - 358 Old Valley Rd - Sharps Chapel
Reserve your spot by clicking on the QR code below OR
RSVP by calling or texting: Pastor Kathy at 865-566-3289 or Mrs. Crystal at 305-495-7714


Gary Chandler

Gary D. Chandler, 63 of Plainview, formerly of Luttrell, passed away suddenly early Friday morning. He was a member of Cedar Ford Baptist Church in Luttrell. Growing up with a single mother, him and his sister, Marsha, grew up “poor” by today’s standards. His mom and his other family members made sure he had a great childhood. Gary was proud to be from the “old” Luttrell, and often referred it being similar to Mayberry from his favorite TV show, “The Andy Griffith Show”. He was a teacher in the Union County School System for 41 years.

Wilbert Paul Finley

Wilbert Paul Finley – age 78 of Andersonville, passed away Thursday, June 27th 2024 at his home. Wilbert was a U.S. Air Force Veteran. He was of the Baptist Faith. He was born in Sevierville, Tennessee and was the son of the late Grady Willie and Josie Stella Mae (McGill) Finley. Preceded in death by his daughter, Judy Finley; sons, DeWayne Finley, Michael Finley; sisters, Mildred Finley, Shirley Finley, Oma Finley, Jean Finley; brother, J.T. Finley.

Cathy M. Williams

Cathy M. Williams-age 66 of Maynardville, formerly of Knoxville, passed away Thursday, June 27, 2024 at Willow Ridge Center, where she had been a resident for 10 years. She is preceded in death by her parents, Harry Elmer Schuiten and Ina Ruth (Robinson) Schuiten.

She is survived by her niece, Tabitha Tapp and the many friends she made at Willow Ridge.

No services are planned at this time. Arrangements by Cooke-Campbell Mortuary, Maynardville.

Ritchie Maxwell Rose

Ritchie M. Rose-age 68 of Corryton went to be with the Lord Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at his home. He was a member of Dutch Valley Baptist Church. He loved singing and playing music. He was a part of The Washam Family gospel music group for many years. He loved the outdoors, hunting and fishing. Preceded in death by his wife, Margaret Rose; parents, Jack and Arlene (Washam) Rose; sister, Tesha Rose.

Kenneth Wayne Mayes

Kenneth Wayne Mayes-age 63 of New Tazewell passed away suddenly Monday, June 24, 2024. He was of the Holliness faith and a member of The Church of the First Born, Middlesboro, Kentucky. Preceded in death by his wife, Linda Mayes; daughter, Samantha Mayes; parents, Ralph and Josephine (Brooks) Mayes; sister, Kathy Williams; brother, Curtis Mayes and other family members.

Casandra D. Fritts (Jones)

Casandra D. Fritts (Jones) – age 28 and unborn son Jonathon Chad of Luttrell, went to be with the Lord Friday, June 21, 2024. She was a member of Circle Assembly of God. Casandra was a beautiful girl loved by everyone and will be dearly missed. Preceded in death by her great-grandparents, Rev. Louis Fritts, Madge Wallace, Amos and Lucille Massengile, Ruth Tracy, Mike Evans.

Dorothy Jean (Shoffner) Wyrick

Dorothy Jean (Shoffner) Wyrick – age 93 of Luttrell, went to be with the Lord Friday evening, June 21, 2024 at her home. She was a lifetime member of New Friendship Baptist Church. Preceded in death by her husband, Theodore C. Wyrick; parents, David L. and Linda Shoffner; sister, Betty Turner Wright; brothers, L.D. Shoffner, Gerald Shoffner.

Loretta Faye (Oaks) Sherrod

Loretta Faye (Oaks) Sherrod – age 76 of Maynardville, passed away Friday, June 21, 2024 in the presence of loved ones. She was a longtime professing believer and follower of The Lord Jesus Christ. Born July 7, 1947 to Claude “Chili” Oaks and Nancy Effler Oaks, Loretta was a beloved daughter, sister, cousin, aunt, mother, grandmother, great grandmother and friend to many.

Timothy DeWayne Beeler

Timothy DeWayne Beeler-age 40 of Minot, North Dakota passed away Saturday, June 15, 2024, at his home. T Bo enjoyed fishing and also loved the outdoors. He was a fun and loving person. Preceded in death by his parents, Timonthy and Kathy Beeler; grandparents, Joann and Burt Beeler.

Survived by his children, Cameron Beeler, Kristin Beeler, Landon Lineham; siblings, Dennie Beeler, Jason Beeler, Burt Beeler, Doris Tharp, Scotty McPherson, Derick Beeler; many other family and friends.

Kenneth Dale Haynes

Kenneth Dale Haynes-age 80 of Maynardville passed away peacefully at his home Monday, June 17, 2024, after suffering an illness. He was a devoted husband, father and wonderful brother and friend to many through the years. He was a member of Nave Hill Baptist Church and served as a Deacon. He is preceded in death by his parents, Fount and Jean Haynes; father and mother-in-law, Rev. Oscar and Jean Johnson; sister, Betty Shumate; sister-in-law, Betty Carmon; brothers-in-law, Steve Johnson, F.T. Munsey, Billy Wayne Munsey, Johnny Corum.

Darlene Hensley

Darlene Hensley – age 66 of Sharps Chapel passed away Sunday morning June 16, 2024 at her home. She was of the Pentecostal faith and saved at the early age and baptized. Preceded in death by her parents, Clarence and Carrie Hensley; brothers, Herman Hensley, Porter Hensley, Marion Hensley.

Survived by her husband, David Eugene Hollen of Sharps Chapel; sons, David Hollen, Justin Hollen; grandchildren, Chloe Nichole Hollen, Hope Riley Beach; brothers, Stan Hensley of Ohio, Jack Hensley of Middlesboro, Kentucky.

Charlotte Faye Davis

Charlotte Faye Davis - age 78 of Maynardville, passed away on Friday, June 14, 2024 at Tennova North surrounded by family. She was a member of Macedonia Baptist Church where she served as pianist for 60 years and retired from Levi Strauss after 30 years.

Lorene Sharp Collins

Lorene Sharp Collins – age 87 of Sharps Chapel, went to be with the Lord Friday, June 14, 2024 at Tri-State Health and Rehab. She was saved at a young age and a member of Oak Grove Primitive Baptist Church. Retired cook of Sharps Chapel School. Lorene was a special mom and mamaw to so many. She always took care of everyone in her life, making sure we were always fed and welcome in her home. She loved her family more than anything and spent her life caring for and raising her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. She taught us all kindness, hard work, strength, and endless love.

Betty Joean Daffron

Betty Joean (Cooke) Daffron-age 95 of Knoxville passed away Wednesday, June 12, 2024 at Beverly Park Place Health & Rehab. She was of the Catholic faith. Preceded in death by her husband, Robert Daffron; parents, Clarence and Sarrah (Sharpe) Cooke; brothers, J.I. Cooke, Casper Cooke; son-in-law, John Fawcett, O.D.

Reverend Teddy "Ted" Seal

Reverend Teddy R. “Ted” Seal – age 83 of Maynardville, passed away Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at his home. He was a devoted husband, father and grandfather. Ted loved his family and his church, and they loved him. He was a member of Chestnut Grove Missionary Baptist Church.

Christopher Lee Henderson

Christopher Lee Henderson – age 54 of Maynardville, passed away Tuesday morning, June 11, 2024, at his home. He attended New Fellowship Full Gospel Church, Maynardville. He was a 15-year U.S. Navy Veteran and served during the Iraqi War. He was a graduate of Horace Maynard High School, class of 1989. Preceded in death by his daughter in April 2021, Brooke Henderson; father, Jack Lee Henderson.

Nellie Kay (Savage) Chesney

Nellie Kay (Savage) Chesney-age 68 of Luttrell passed away Tuesday, June 11, 2024, at Willow Ridge Center, Maynardville. She was of the Baptist faith. She was a former employee of Panasonic and Levi’s. Preceded in death by her parents, Paris and Ina (Yadon) Savage; brothers, Riley Savage, Jackie Savage, Andy Savage; special friend, David Chesney.

Billy Joe Dunn

Billy Joe Dunn-age 61 of Maynardville passed away unexpectedly Friday, June 7, 2024. Billy loved bass fishing and was passionate about his work. He will be dearly missed. Preceded in death by his wife, Sherry Dunn; father, Oris Dunn; sisters, Judy Young, Delores Key, Sharon Norton.

He is survived by his mother, Emma Lou Dunn; special nephew, Robert Lynn Dunn; brother, Mike Dunn; great nephew, Austin Dunn and family; beloved grandsons, Craig and Derrick Lay; special friend, Brian Harvey and a host of nieces and nephews, other loving family members and many other friends.

Samuel David Goin

Samuel David Goin-age 74 of Luttrell passed away June 5, 2024, at North Knoxville Medical Center. He was a member at New Friendship Baptist Church. Sam loved gardening, fishing and watching football, especially the Vols. He is preceded in death by his parents, Rev. John and Bertha (Hickle) Goin.

Clayrissa Marilyn Hill

Clayrissa Marilyn Evans Hill-age 83 of Maynardville passed away peacefully at her home on Wednesday, June 5th, 2024, surrounded by her children.
Clayrissa was born August 3,1940 in Detroit Michigan and moved to Tennessee at the age of 7.
Preceded in death by her father, Henry Clay Evans, mother, Margaret Kelly Carey, brothers, David Evans and Lyle “Laddie” Carey and grandson, Daniel Joseph Kitts.

Loretta Dale Holloway

Loretta Dale (Perry) Holloway, known to everyone as “Nanny”-age 90 of Maynardville passed away Saturday, June 1, 2024, at Claiborne Medical Center. She was a devoted Jehovah’s Witness for over 65 years. Nanny loved her God Jehovah, family, red birds, playing the guitar at picnics, flatfoot dancing, butterfingers, roses and black coffee.

Norma Jean Lucas

Norma Jean Lucas – age 84 of Luttrell, went to be with her Lord and Savior Saturday, June 1, 2024. She was born on May 23, 1940, the daughter of Robert and Elsie Paul in Union County. Norma was a member of Mountain View Church of God where she enjoyed going until her sickness prevented her from attending.

She is preceded in death by parents; and several sisters. Norma is survived by her sisters, Glenna (Charles) Mowery, Janet (Mike) Keener and Pat (Brad) Lambert; brother, Ken; and several nieces and nephews.

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