School Board Approves Contracts, Discusses Preliminary 2020 Budget

With five members present, Chairman Coppock called the school board meeting to order on Thursday, April 10. After approving agenda, the Board recognized Dr. Jason Bailey, Union County Mayor, who invited the Board and all present to the next Progress Planning meeting on Thursday, April 25, at 7:00 in the big courtroom. Mayor Bailey encouraged cooperation on future plans to build a new middle school and possibly re-purpose the current HMMS into a community center.

The consent agenda regarding field trips and minutes was approved. No one was present to address the Board from UCEA.

Ann Dyer, Finance Director, explained routine budget amendments and transfers. Some discussion during the workshop occurred on the capital outlay budget (177). Marty Gibbs (1st district) inquired about improvements to the intercom and roof at MES. Dr. Jimmy Carter explained that due to a change in the state requirements, the intercom system approved last year for MES is still not done. He informed the Board that he had decided to stop the project and use local rather than state funds to get the project completed in a more timely manner. Director Carter also explained that the new roof and bathroom renovations for MES that were bid last year are being completed this year. Also included in capital outlay are the baseball field renovations, auditorium upgrades, the million dollar football turf project, lighting upgrades for safety, and flooring repairs. All were approved.

The Board approved the contract for the library book system renewal and agreed to amend the little league use of athletic fields contract.

The TSBA Planning and Training Workshop at Knoxville Hyatt Regency on June 7-8 to discuss the Strategic Plan was set by the board.

Ronnie Mincey reminded board members to submit their Evaluation of Director and self evaluation before the May meeting so results can be shared at that time.

Under Board Policy revisions, Board put in policy current practice for retiree insurance that pays annually $1,000 toward individual insurance and $1,200 toward family insurance until age 65 for those retirees who were actively teaching prior to 2015. Also on first reading the Board amended policy on promotion and retention and alternate credit options.

The board approved the textbooks recommendation for social studies adoption although these textbooks may not be purchased for all grade levels this year.

Melissa Graves was approved for tenure.

They agreed to let bids for lawn care and to build a vestibule at UCHS. The cost of the vestibule would be covered by a safety grant. The vestibule would keep visitors from having free access upon entry to the building. No bid was needed for the additional security cameras discussed in the workshop due to the use of a state vendor.

Under the agenda addendum, Dr. Carter discussed an expansion to the UCHS football field turf project.

The one million dollar project does not cover adding artificial turf on the section between the goal post and track at front entrance of football field near the ticket office. According to the contractor, the additional cost would be $69,000. The motion by Members Smith and Collins passed 4 to 1. Voting for- Moore, Coppock, Smith, and Collins; voting no-Gibbs.

The Board discussed but took no action on the preliminary fiscal 2020 budget for general fund 141. Highlights include adding two nurses and a social worker, expanding high and middle school office bookkeepers to 12 months, adding pay for an additional month for middle and high assistant principals to help with scheduling, increasing maintenance by 2% so as to plan for future maintenance, replacing chrome books for a grade level, and giving a 2% raise to substitute teachers. The Board is waiting BEP figures to complete the final budget to be voted on in May.

The next meeting School Board Meeting is May 9 at 6:30 at UCHS.