Will Someone Tell Me About Precious Jewel?

Precious Jewel is a song written by the late Roy Acuff about his sweetheart to whom he was engaged to marry. Before they married something happened, and one night she died. I am hoping someone can provide more detailed information–what was her name–what caused her death. Isn’t it interesting that in our sorrow we can do great work. This song is known wherever Roy Acuff is known and remembered . Again, I hope to learn more about this story. The following is Precious Jewel as written by Roy Claxton Acuff:
Precious Jewel
Way back in the hills, when a boy, I once wandered
Buried deep in her grave lies a girl that I love
She was called from this earth, a jewel for heaven
More precious than diamonds more precious than gold.
When a girl of sixteen, we courted each other
She promised someday to become my sweet wife
I bought her the ring to wear on her finger
But the angels they called her to heaven one night.
A jewel here on earth, a jewel up in heaven.
She'll brighten the kingdom around God's great throne.
May the angels have peace, God bless her in heaven
They've broken my heart and they left me to roam.
This world has it wealth, its trials and troubles
Mother earth holds her treasures of diamonds and gold.
But it can't hold the soul of one precious jewel
She's resting in peace with the heavenly fold.
May the angels have peace, God bless her in heaven
They've broken my heart and they left me to roam.
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