United Way Volunteer

I have always been a volunteer. For instance, it pains me to see others go without. The Great Depression marks a person. It was only natural that I would become involved in the United Way.
I do not remember how it came about, but l found myself on the United Way's Speakers Bureau in Jackson, Michigan under the direction of Charlotte Minnette. She trained me in the art of public speaking. Armed with campaign literature, l was sent out to various working class job sites"
The first one was at the K-Mart on the east side of town. K-Marts had lunch rooms in those days. The employees were grouped there waiting for me. The store was not yet open.
I got their attention quickly by calling their store "The East End Jake's." Jacobson's was the high end woman's clothing store in town. Then I described my wardrobe. Just about everything I was wearing that morning from the skin out came from K-Mart. it was time to begin. We were on the same page. I went into my United Way presentation. There was a good response.
Lite Metal Diecast was next. My husband worked at Diecast Corporation on the other side of town. Both plants did the same operations. I could see what his work environment was like. The Campaign went well there, too.
Then came a small non-union shop. Much smaller than where my husband worked. The screw machines looked familiar to me since I had worked around them at G & Z Products on the south side town a few years before. I walked into the office and introduced myself to the receptionist" She called back to the owner, announcing me.
Then Came what was to be a "perp walk" down a long hallway with a left turn to an office door. The owner was waiting for me. "I like you," he said. "l watched you walk down the hall. You walked with purpose and determination. l judge people by how they approach my door. Welcome to our plant." Then he added, "Had you not, I would have asked you to leave." My presentation went well on the shop floor.
The last presentation I remember was on an especially cold and snowy morning. About 4:30 AM, I arrived at the Jackson County Highway Department Garage. Trucks with snow plows were being fire up to go out on the roads. Shivering and shaking, l delivered the United Way presentation. It had not been easy driving out on icy roads in the early morning. They appreciated my efforts. A number of them signed up for Payroll Deductions.
Thanks to Charlotte Minnette, I learned how to read an audience and to give an effective presentation. I thank her, taking me under her wing.
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