Toilet Paper Bride

Toilet Paper Bride

For those of you dealing with high wedding costs, I may have a solution. Instead of paying hundreds or thousands of dollars on a wedding dress that will be used once, buy some toilet paper and turn your imagination loose. A toilet paper wedding dress has many advantages. The total cost is under $20.00 and it doesn’t have to be dry-cleaned or put in storage. No hemming or altering is necessary. Just tear unneeded sections off. If you’re not satisfied with the design, just start over and make another one. And best of all, it can be recycled. Once you’re finished, just put it in a bag and save it for later use.

In the picture, my daughter Sara is modeling a toilet paper dress. Notice she is holding a pack of toilet paper instead of flowers. Another money saver! And if you look close, you can see a toilet paper engagement ring on her finger.

Actually, the picture was taken at a cousin’s bridal shower. We played a game where two “brides” were picked and each team decorated the “bride” in toilet paper. It was a lot of fun and our team won. Afterwards, we picked up the toilet paper and gave it back to the hostess. Hey, that stuff isn’t cheap. I was tempted to take some home myself.

You know ladies, it’s better to have the right man instead of the right dress, to have somebody who truly loves you and values you as God intended. Somebody who would still marry you if you really did walk down the aisle in a toilet paper dress.

“Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” Revelation 21:2.