Stretch, Strength and Cardio for Your Health

A well-rounded exercise program is one of the keys to maintaining good health and a sound musculoskeletal system. Ideally, you should strive for a combination of movements and activities that involve stretching to help with flexibility, weights or resistance work that improves the strength of bones and muscles, and vigorous aerobic activity that strengthens the heart and lungs and helps with weight control. Remember, though, before starting any exercise program, you should consult with your medical doctor.
You should warm up and stretch before any sort of strenuous activity. Stretching will lengthen muscles and tendons that might otherwise tear or shorten and cause cramping or spasm if they are tight. Jog in place for a minute or two before stretching so that the muscles can warm up a little.
Strengthening exercises may involve weights, or resistance exercises like leg lifts, stomach crunches or chin-ups. Cardiovascular work could involve something as simple as brisk walking, dancing, aerobics or swimming.
Talk with your chiropractor for suggestions on the types of activities you should take up that will most benefit your particular situation.
Presented as a service to the community by: Union County Chiropractic Clinic, 110 Skyline Drive, Maynardville, TN (865) 992-7000
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