Stepping on the Dog

I was on the receiving end of one of my Mother’s retorts, or as I prefer to call them, lightning bolts.
Mom and I used to cook lunch at my grandparents’ house after church on Sundays. And I would bring my dog Little John with me. Let me tell you, my grandparents loved that little dog. They used to dog-sit him while I was at work. I came to pick him up one day and they had driven him around the block. He was restless and they thought he needed a ride. I’m not making this up. They even kept a picture of him on their mantle.
This one Sunday, I had just finished mixing the cornbread and I twirled around to turn on the oven. Little John’s shrill YELP pierced the air. I had stepped on his paw since he had been sitting right at my feet. I jumped as did everybody else in the kitchen. If you’re like me, when something startles you, you become angry. I fussed, “Little John. Stay out from under my feet!”
My mom promptly replied, “You’ve just had him 8 years.”
Zap! Boom! She got me. All I could do was to stand there with a blank expression on my face. To be honest, it somewhat aggravated me. I wasn’t trying to hurt Little John; I was working hard at fixing lunch.
A couple of Sundays later, it was the same scenario: Mom and I were cooking lunch in my grandmother’s kitchen. Suddenly a familiar shrill, YELP pierced the air. We all jumped.
I turned to see Little John looking up at my mom with a, “How could you,” expression on his little doggie face. This time he had gotten under her feet.
My mother exclaimed, “Little John!”
I promptly replied, “Yeah, he’s just been around us for 8 years.” Zap! Boom!
It was my turn for the lightning bolt and her turn to be speechless and have to a blank face expression.
Be careful with your words for they may come back to you. Also, I believe God has a sense of humor, so they may come back in surprising or embarrassing ways.
A couple of Sundays later, we’re back in my grandmother’s kitchen-cooking lunch. Guess what happens?
YELP! Little John was stepped on again and it was me this time. I waited with baited breath to hear what my mom was going to say. Would I hear the, “having him 8 years comment” again?
“Little John!” She shook her index finger at him. “You better watch where you go!”
“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” Galatians 6:7 (NKJV)
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