State Fire Marshall reviewing new middle school plans
An architect's drawing of the new middle school
The Lewis Group Architects shared the final plans for the new middle school with the Union County Board of Education at the regular meeting on May 9. The main entrance will be on John Deere Drive. This entrance is planned with a canopy to accommodate the bus unloading and loading. The back entrance on Beeler Hollow Road is currently designated for car drop off and pick up. Each of the grade levels will have a separate wing with the 6th and 7th grades in a two-story building section and the 8th in a single story section. The cafeteria includes a raised section that can be used for performances, programs, and other presentations.
The full-size gymnasium is located near the 8th grade wing and has restrooms and a concession area with additional restrooms accessible in the 8th grade hall. An art room, media center and band room are also included. The slope of the site enabled the architects to include an amphitheater that can be used as an additional classroom or a social area during lunch. Classrooms have ample storage space as well as the infrastructure to support electronic devices.
As soon as the Tennessee Fire Marshall approves the plans, the bid process can begin. According to Board Chair Marty Gibbs, the base bid will include the basic building and the grading of the football field. There will also be four alternates that will allow the flexibility to choose more than one contractor for some special projects. These alternates include 1) the aluminum bleachers/ grandstand for the football field, 2) baseball and softball fields including fencing and restrooms, 3) paved back parking lot with 90 spaces and 4) roadway improvements to John Deere Drive, Beeler Hollow Road, and/or Pine Street off Hwy 33. Contractors can bid on the base only or may bid on any or all of the alternates.
The placement of a traffic signal at the intersection of Pine Street, the road beside the Goodwill Store and Highway 33 is being reviewed by the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT). TDOT will determine if a traffic signal is required.
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