Seek a Blue Ribbon for Your Hard Work

The Union County Heritage Festival is right around the corner. Did you know that you can enter your items into the Festival Exhibit Contest with UT Extension Union County? You have already put in the hard work, now seek some reward. There are categories for adults as well as youths grades kindergarten thru 12th.

Whether you are a farmer or a crafter or simply want to be a part of the day and get creative, there is a category for you. Items, along with the entry forms are due to the Extension office by 4:00 pm on Monday, September 27, 2021. They will be on display at the Heritage Festival with their ribbons on Saturday, October 2.

Youth and adult categories include:

All varieties in this list should be shown in best condition for table use. Mere size is not the most necessary quality in okra, squash, beans, etc. All vegetables must be grown by exhibitor.
•Small Pumpkins (less that 6 inches diameter)
•Large Pumpkins (greater than 6 inches diameter)
•3 of any produce of the same variety. Examples are: apples, pears, okra, tomatoes, squash, beans, pepper, onions, sweet potatoes, irish potatoes, etc. Entries must be 3 of the same variety.
•Garden Display: consist of no less than 5varieties of garden vegetables/fruits arranged in decorative manner.

•White Eggs (one dozen)
•Brown Eggs (one dozen)

Enter a beef boneless ribeye steak. Livestock must have been raised on land owned or leased by youth/youth’s family. Requirements:
•Meat must be submitted frozen
•Meat must be clearly visible in vacuum sealed, clear packaging.
•Meat will be judged frozen, so ensure your product is clearly visible
•Meat will be judged, in order of importance, on the following characteristics: size of edible product, marbling, and external fat
•If more than one steak is submitted in a package, you must pick which steak will be judged. One steak per contestant can be entered.
•Meat will stay frozen
•Meat will be returned frozen.
Can be picked up on Mon.-Fri Oct 4—8th between 8 am and 4 pm. Any meat not picked up by Oct 8th will be disposed of. *If meat is covered in wrapping paper, it cannot be judged.

Product must be in standard, clear glass canning jars with the name of the product on each jar. Each exhibit must be the work of the individual contestant. Mark the name of the exhibiter on the bottom of each jar.
•Fruits and Vegetables-apples, beets, peaches, green beans, tomatoes, peas, shelly beans, soup mixture, fruit juices, vegetable juices, other vegetables, other fruits
•Pickles-beet pickles, dill cucumber pickles, sweet cucumber pickles, pickles relish, other pickles
•Jams, Jellies, and Preserves-Light jelly, dark jelly, preserves, jams, butters, any other jellied product

•Sewing & Needle Arts -Apron, pillowcase, stuffed animal, tote bag, clothing separates, clothing accessories, any other sewing, weaving such as basket or potholder, knitting, crochet, cross stitch


Deadline is a around the corner, be sure to be gathering your items. If you have questions contact UT Extension Union County at 865-992-8038. See you at the festival!