Preserving a Union County Heart

Frank Sharp

Life savers are important people–be it a doctor, nurse or someone who pulled you out of harms way. Frank “Tommy” Sharp is one of us even though he left Union County for the Atlanta area many years ago. A few years ago Frank had some serious heart problems, and he credits his cardiologist with saving his life. Dr. Michael Lesitt first did a bypass when Frank had a heart attack and then a quadruple bypass to bring him back to good health. Dr. Lesitt, who Frank says is a man of many talents, plays the mountain dulcimer and has been president of the Georgia Dulcimer Society.

Dr. Lesitt recently moved to a new office, and when Frank and Pearl, Frank’s wife, went by for Frank’s check up he noticed a large abstract oil painting and was surprised to learn Dr. Lesitt painted it himself. Frank sent me his photograph of the painting. I thought you readers would like to see it. Frank got a good picture and a good report by Dr. Lesitt.