Preparing Students for the Real World

Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-Ets) is a program on career focused services geared toward students ages fourteen to twenty-two who meet eligibility requirements. Bridget Calfee is the Transition Coach over the Pre-Ets program in Union County.
“These students are referred to me by teachers, school counselors or other school administration who they feel would benefit from one-on-one assistance with these career services,” said Calfee.
The program has five career focused areas:
1. Career Exploration
2. Work Based Learning
3. Self-Advocacy
4. Workplace Readiness
5. Post-Secondary Counseling & Enrollment Assistance
“We then look at the three highest areas interest for them and explore options in that area,” said Calfee.
Calfee has an online program to assist the students with a career interest inventory. The students can watch informational videos, participate with speakers in the classroom, and receive assistance to set up job shadowing during the summer months.
Qualifying students can also receive assistance in applying for jobs, learning how to correctly fill out job applications, interview skills, self-advocacy, budgeting, leadership skills, work ethic, and writing a resume, just to mention a few.
Calfee says this service differs from the Work Based Learning Program that is offered as a credit class at Union County High School, but she does work closely with Leanne Friebel who is over the Work Based Learning Program at UCHS.
“Mrs. Friebel and Mrs. Elizabeth Moore do a wonderful job with getting the students into the community and teaching them hands-on job skills,” said Calfee. “Sometimes our two programs overlap with students and teaching, but it only enhances what we do to help the student gain employment skills.”
The program also aids students in gaining insight into training programs, realistic job goals, and what they need to fulfill their personal career goal.
“I assist the students with filling out their financial aid and help them apply for college,” said Calfee. “My job is to educate and prepare the students before they graduate from high school, but I also connect them with programs that may help them with training and job placement after graduation.”
Calfee says she must have the parent’s written permission in order to work with the student.
“This is an ongoing service that grows and evolves with the students. It has proven to be an invaluable service.”