The Power of Prayer

I’m thankful I was raised in a Christian home. Did you know that statistics show that the action of families turning off the TV and smart phones, gathering around the dinner table and beginning their dinner with prayer results in a positive influence on the children and the entire family? If you ever wonder why prayer has such great effect on the family, let’s consider the true meaning of prayer. A prayer is the sincere desire of the heart. When praying, we are acknowledging things in life are not in our control and we need the guidance of our Lord. There is a great difference between truly praying and just simply reciting a prayer. When you sincerely pray, you are truly asking for guidance in things that really matter to you and those around you. If all our family is truly praying, we are mindful of each other and each other’s burdens.

Our country is still a Christian nation and most folks I know acknowledge God is the creator of Heaven and earth. As I look at all the mountains and streams and the vastness of the universe, I’m just amazed how He allows us to talk to Him in prayer. It just amazes me how all of us throughout the entire world can be praying at the same time and He hears each one of us. Although sometimes His answer is no, because we may be asking for things we don’t need, but when we learn to ask for things in His will, He is faithful to fulfill our needs.

History shows the power of God and that God does answer prayers. Our very existence depends on the power of God. As mortals we are very frail and fragile and most of the time we don’t even think about how quick we can become the dust of the earth. We are one breath and one heartbeat away from eternity.
As we acknowledge families truly praying together, we see families having a desire of staying together. The same thing applies to our church family, regardless of denomination. Our common denominator as Christians is that we believe in Christ and as Christians we need to come together in prayer. The scriptures instruct us that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

Prayer truly changes things. I’ve witnessed the power of prayer. We can do nothing of ourselves, but by the power of God all things are possible. I’ve seen drug addicts restored, alcoholics recovered, and according to many doctors, folks having surgery seem to recover faster through the power of prayer. We can all be prayer warriors. Life is so much better when I realize I am not the ultimate answer to the world’s problems, but there is a higher power that I can depend upon when things are out of my control.
I want to encourage all of us Christians to be in much prayer for one another and pray for our nation. If our nation forgets God, you can rest assured there will be consequences.
Please find a church of your choice. Go to church Sunday and take the entire family with you. Families that truly pray together stay together.
