Plainview is ready for winter weather

Mayor Lynn Beeler and Vice Mayor Richard Phillips listen to the explanation and comments regarding Ordinances 164 and 165.
At the Plainview Board of Aldermen meeting in December, Mayor Lynn Beeler announced “the Plainview truck has the snow plow attached and is ready to go” to clear the streets when winter weather makes its debut.
In recent years, several citizens requested that local roads be cleared of ice and snow. Plainview's first mayor, Bill von Schipmann bought the truck in 1998 and Jim DeVault cleared the roads. But the truck sat idle for years until Mayor Beeler worked with Vice Mayor Richard Phillips to re-attach the plow. Previously Beeler had stated that Plainview citizens need the chance to travel Plainview roads safely this winter.
The Board of Aldermen approved Ordinance 164 and Ordinance 165 on the first reading. Both ordinances received a recommendation for approval from the Plainview Municipal Planning Commission. Both ordinances may be downloaded online at
Ordinance 164 amends the zoning ordinances by permitting accessory dwelling units in all residential zones and the standards for erecting these units. Among the restrictions are one ADU per lot and a maximum size of 50 percent of the primary residence or 1200 square feet, whichever is less. ADUs are only permitted on lots larger than one acre.
Ordinance 165 amends the zoning ordinances by permitting more than one principal dwelling on parcels in the AR-1 district zone. A maximum of four dwellings per parcel are allowed, but the density and setbacks must be followed and a site plan/layout must be presented to the Plainview Planning Commission for approval. Both ordinances will have a public hearing and a second reading in January.
Police Chief Kenny Crider reported 48 calls, six citations, six arrests and four accidents with no injuries as well as one armed robbery in which the perpetrators were arrested and will soon be prosecuted for the crime.
Fire Chief Brad Woods reported 105 calls to date. He again noted that burn permits are required from October 15 to May 15. He encouraged all citizens to be mindful of “When you doze, close (the door).” He explained that even hollow core bedroom doors can slow down a fire and save a life. He also encouraged citizens to have a professional clean the chimney annually and keep space heaters away from curtains and furniture.
Stewart Skeen, Codes Enforcement Officer, cited three homeowners to court in January for failure to maintain their property. He also reported that the building inspector would have answers to questions regarding building permits for manufactured homes in January.
Marilyn Toppins, Municipal Representative on the North Rural Planning Technical Committee, reported that SR 61 is being adopted by TDOT's Safety Program for changes and upgrades. Engineering and right of way procedures will continue from 2025 to 2029 with construction planned to begin in 2030. The construction will begin with the intersection of Walker Ford and SR 61 and continue in phases into Luttrell.
The next Plainview meetings will be on Tuesday, January 14, with the Planning Commission at 6:30 p.m. and the Board of Aldermen at 7 p.m.
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