Plainview continues ordinance discussions

Alderman Josh Collins and Plainview Mayor Lynn Beeler discuss Ordinance 165 at the February Plainview Board of Aldermen Meeting.
Plainview Board of Aldermen continued to discuss the wording of Ordinance 165 at their February meeting. At a workshop held the prior week, Alderman Rebecca Lock agreed to ask the planner, Jordan Rockwell, to formulate an amended Ordinance 165 that would further limit the number of single wide mobile homes and establish a minimum number of acres for each placement. Ordinance 165 contains language to allow multiple dwellings without subdividing on large tracts of land in the AR-1 zone only.
The rationale for multiple dwellings is to allow someone a more affordable way to build a house without purchasing land. However, discussion revealed that there would still have to be a survey of the entire tract, which would be more costly than surveying a smaller division of one or two acres to subdivide the land. In addition, the resident would most likely not qualify for the construction loan since there would be no separate deed, and the original landowner would not only still own the land, but would also have to obtain the construction loan.
The concerns regarding single-wide mobile homes were still present since the new amendment would allow two of the three permissible dwellings to be a mobile home. On the other hand, part of the board believed that property rights should have less regulation and that the funding of the additional dwellings is not and should not be a board concern. After a lengthy discussion, the board rejected Ordinance 165 with Aldermen Beeler, Phillips and Collins vote for the rejection and Aldermen Brantley and Lock voting against the rejection.
The Board of Aldermen voted to make Ordinance 164 a part of the Revised Ordinances for Plainview. Ordinance 164 allows auxiliary dwelling units in all zones. During the Plainview Planning Commission, James and Laura Tharpe requested a variance to place a mobile home to the side of their property as a dwelling for one of their children. The location change was granted due to water issues in the back of the property. But the additional request for a variance due to size lacked enough information and so the Commission took no action on the size variance.
In reports, Police Chief Crider noted 49 calls, 8 citations, 13 incidents and the sheriff department made one DUI arrest. Fire Chief Brad Woods reported 12 calls for 2025. He encouraged citizens to have chimneys cleaned before use and to obtain burn permits until May 15. He also noted that the FEMA grant to obtain a replacement firetruck was on “hold” due to the federal government reductions in FEMA.
Upcoming events and training were announced. March 22 will be a Hazardous Waste Collection at the Wolfe Road Convenience Center from 8 a.m. to noon. Neighborhood Watch is the third Thursday of each month. April 18 is the UCBPA Prayer Breakfast at First Baptist of Maynardville beginning at 8 a.m. March 20 is a free public planning training in Jefferson County from 6 to 8 p.m. hosted by ETDD.
Plainview Board of Aldermen will have a budget workshop on Tuesday, March 4, at 6 p.m. The next regular meeting will be on Tuesday, March 11, with the Planning Commission meeting at 6:30 and the aldermen to follow.
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