Outgoing BOE members recognized

Gerald Smith from Plainview receives his plaque for twenty years of service.
The Union County Board of Education has decided to meet at various schools for many of the 2022-2023 meetings. In August, the board met at Luttrell Elementary School.
It was a fitting venue to pay tribute to the outgoing board member of Plainview, Gerald Smith. Dr. Jimmy Carter, Director of Schools, thanked Smith for his 20 years of service and acknowledged his effort at Luttrell Elementary where he was also a parent volunteer for many years, especially when his daughter was a student.
Gerald commented that these years had been “the best 20 years of his life,” and that new board member Rebecca Lock was the “ best person to ever run against me.” Carter also recognized board member Casey Moore for his nine years of service as he represented the Third District.
Stacy Smith, Luttrell Elementary Principal, and curriculum coach Steva Bates presented a summary of the numerous achievements of Luttrell Elementary School and the various student opportunities for extra-curricular activity. They noted that Luttrell was managing better than expected achievement in some areas and meeting expectations in all areas.
Several groups will see salary improvements due to board action. The maintenance and maintenance supervisor pay scale was extended to 20 years to enable a pay increase for all maintenance employees. Administrative assistants in Central Office will get a two percent pay increase at each step of the salary scale along with the Technology I and II employees. These changes put these salary scales in line with other pay improvements made during the budget process. Also, $15,000 was added to the bus aide line in the budget to put more supervising adults on the buses where discipline has been a concern.
The board completed its routine business of contracts, policies and budget amendments. It adopted the Upslope Employee Code of Professional Conduct Form. The board approved the Mission Hope Pediatric Therapy, LLC contract. Finally, the board agreed to surplus several items, mostly from technology.
Board member Andrew Reed requested a calendar of meetings to review and discuss the board policies. This calendar, along with the election of the new chairman and vice chairman, will be on the next meeting’s agenda. The next meeting will be at Maynardville Elementary School Thursday, September 8, at 6 p.m.
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