Local Tree Farm Reaches 25-year Mark

Roark Tree Farm in Claiborne County has been recognized by The American Forest Foundation for being an established Tree Farm for 25 years. A certified Tree Farm manages forests for multiple use benefits such as wood production and wildlife habitat in a sustainable manner. Steve Roark, who owns Roark Tree Farm with his wife Rhonda, has managed a number of projects over the decades. This includes a timber harvest to sell 11 acres maturing trees, 13 acres of crop tree release to favor better trees for faster growth, 7 acres of tree planting on steep pastureland, 6 acres of native grass establishment for wildlife habitat, and one acre of pine savannah, a now rare habitat. While it was helpful to have worked as a forester for several agencies, Roark commented that working closely with natural resource agencies such as the Tennessee Division of Forestry and Natural Resources Conservation Service is the key to getting conservation practices done. “They can provide the expertise and even help financially to get practices on the ground” Roark commented. “It feels good that a well-managed forest can provide the wood and wildlife populations that benefit society.” Besides working with natural forests, Roark maintained a Christmas tree plantation for 30 years to provide a college fund for his son Ben. “The farm has been a blessing and provided a lot of satisfaction over the years, both financial and personal.”
If you are interested in learning more about the American Tree Farm System, contact your local Forestry Agency.