Library Summer Reading Program

It’s that time of year when children are out of school and need something productive to do that will keep themselves, and their parents, sane. Flying to the rescue comes a summer reading program which will motivate children to not only fill time productively, but expand their knowledge by reading. Entering a different world where imagination is key, time is no longer, and nothing else exists is often the highlight of a summer break for many children.
Maynardville Public Library began their rescue mission in the form of a summer reading program on June 1st and it will continue until July 24th. Parents and children are encouraged to participate in the reading programs as well as online entertaining performances and crafts/demonstrations (see list below of programs and dates). The readers engage in the program by downloading the app “ReadSquared” and registering there. From there they create an account, or multiple accounts as needed. Of course if a straggling family member decides to join late in the game, adding an additional account later on is not a problem! The readers find their Reading Log page and that is where they can keep track of the minutes they read, the book title and author, and if they feel up to the task, they can write a small book review! What an interesting and profitable way to spend part of your summer vacation!
Of course this is not the only instance in which the Maynardville Public Library has benefited their community. Since its opening in 1959 when the Union County Court approved and issued funds to the Library’s institution, and a library board was elected, this library has been a beacon of light in the community. Through summer reading programs, to providing good resources to students during the school year, to being equipped with WiFi access and internet access, and printing options available, the Maynardville Library has truly given to its community in every way they are able. All of these benefits are free of charge, with the exception of something printed that exceeds the amount of 10 pages printed.
Additional assets of the library include (but not limited to) craft sessions, author and small business rallies, and provides access to Union County tax lists, cemetery lists, family Histories, history books, and a census index. The effort put forth by this establishment is deserving of your praise and support!
**Summer Reading Programs
-Jester Puppets Presents “Fairy Tales Forever” (Any day/time until July 17th)
See for additional details or how to get your library card today!
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