Hidden Creek Ranch. DES MOINES IA

Columbia snatching and drinking my beer

OCTOBER 9, 2021. Now in Des Moines IA. Long day of driving (for the older, shall we say “elderly?”, version of us) and for the animals. We left Hobby Horse Overnight Stables in Mitchell SD around 8:30 and arrived at Hidden Creek around 4. Google predicted a 5 hour trip….but that was at speed and probably with no stops. Spent some time looking for a dump station for the RV as the black water tank was getting full. Not a lot of options in SD, but the majority of Iowa rest areas offer wifi, dump stations and a wide variety of very interesting vending machines – all important in today’s times).

Bill and I have crossed this country, individually and together, bunches of times on motorcycles, in RVs and cars. I do not remember the interstates overall being SO busy. The noise from the semis, huge RVs and other vehicles trailing something, is loud. I am traveling with a livestock guardian dog who is used to being in a 1/2 acre goat lot at night and has free reign to patrol the forest and neighbors (or sleep) wherever he chooses during the day. Being captive in a car for long hours, then locked in a box stall at night, is not something he is very comfortable with. So to compromise, I drive with both back windows down. This causes a not very delightful KAWOMPA-KAWOMPA sound that irritates my ears. To compensate, I have to open the sunroof and the sound diminishes or disappears. While driving in this windstorm with my vest and sweatshirt on (in 60+ degree weather) and the heat and the seat heater on, I get to experience the sounds of the highway much, much more than I would with windows closed and the radio on. And it is loud. And continual. And stressful. For me. And the dog. And the goats.

We had considered alternate routes when planning this trip. But the concern about possible mechanical issues with the truck, or the SUV, or the RV, or the goat trailer, or medical issues with the goats made us decide to use interstate all the way and to search for livestock motels along interstate routes. Upon reflection, I would choose differently if I were ever to do this again (and, I say this very sincerely, I won’t).

Hidden Creek is a very sweet place owned by a husband and wife with two kids. We were able to let the goats into a small pasture with a horse so they could walk around, graze and experience some freedom. Later they were in box stalls, and none of them (especially Leo) is happy about that. The downside of this place is that it is located next to the LOUD interstate that I am so tired of. It is constant and annoying. Tomorrow will be another long day.

Today we missed seeing John Wayne’s birthplace and the Bridges of Madison County, among other interesting things. There does seem to be a prolific windmill explosion in Iowa……but, then, there is prolific wind!

I am embarrassed to say that I believe one of the goats (Columbia) may be a closet alcoholic. I thought I could treat myself to a beer while enjoying the excellent weather and view, but it turns out that Columbia, the Oberhalsi/Apline goat, loves beer. She is very sneaky, amazingly quiet and extremely quick. She grabbed , ran off, and drank most of one before we could comprehend what was happening!. Who knew goats loved beer? Later, while we were sitting in the field with them, she tried to purloin Bill’s vodka drink.

We have two more nights scheduled…Pontoon Beach IL (east of St Louis) and Lexington KY. The trip to Pontoon Beach will be a VERY long day and we may, if the place suits, hunker down for two days there. Our day off yesterday at Hobby Horse in Mitchell SD really rocked…..goats and dog wandered and slept, I read the latest Craig Johnson novel, Bill worked crossword puzzles and Words With Friends, we soaked in warm but not hot hot sun rays and a lovely, relaxing day was had by all. Over 1700 miles so far...only another 600+ to go!!! (Good Lord willin’ and the creek don’t rise).

Goats eating the bark off the horse motel tree. Ooops.