Head, Heart, Hands, and Health

Union County 4-H representative on the bottom right photo'd with other All Star members from across the state

Hello! My name is Kaleb Hanna. I am Union County 4-H's Healthy Living Ambassador, Honor Club President, and All-Star Eagle Scout. This year I once again attended the Tennessee 4-H Eastern Region All-Star Conference! Woah, what a mouthful!

I can’t even begin to describe what an amazing opportunity this conference is for ALL youth, but I will tell you a little bit about what we do at a conference like this. So to start, the 4-H All-Star motto is Service! This means we spend a lot of time doing service projects. We did everything from making Linus blankets and dog toys to picking up trash and hauling tables and equipment to areas in the county. But besides service, we All-Stars always know how to have a fun time wherever we are! At All-Star Conference, we went for hikes, canoed, sang camp songs, and we usually always have time for a dance! Also, while we were there, we elected council positions to help and organize 4-H events.

All-Star Conference is open to any youth from 9th to 12th grade who are in Honor Club. If you are interested in helping out your county and being active in your community, then you should join the 4-H All-Star program. You will meet SOOO many life-changing people and you will gain many valuable skills such as doing interviews, speaking to large crowds, learning parliamentary procedures, and planning. If you are interested in joining the All-Stars then the first step is to contact your local 4-H extension office for the information at ashley.mike@utk.edu or 865-992-8038.

Our pledge is as follows: I pledge my HEAD to clearer thinking, My HEART to greater loyalty, My HANDS to larger service, and My HEALTH to better living, for my club, my community, my country, and my world. I have been in the 4-H program for 7 years, and I still am amazed at the hardworking and kind spirit the members of 4-H share. Events like All-Star Conference are too fun and educational to miss. Join 4-H today!