Global burden of low back pain — a consequence of negligence and misinformation

A series of ground breaking research reports in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet warn that low back pain is a major health burden globally — across developed and developing nations — and that the current use of X-rays and scans, opioids, injections and surgery to investigate and treat the condition is useless, unnecessary and harmful.

Low back pain is the leading cause of disability globally — with more than 540 million people affected by activity-limiting low back pain at any one time. The burden from low back pain has doubled in the last 25 years, and the prevalence of the condition is expected to continue to increase with an aging and increasingly obese population.

According to three papers, the burden from low back pain has reached a tipping point where the condition is growing rapidly, is poorly understood and is being mismanaged medically — at cost both to the patient and to the healthcare system. Low and middle-income countries are already emulating the low-value care that is endemic in high-income countries.

Two of the three papers outline the breadth and impact of low back pain globally, how medical care is making the problem worse in both developed and developing countries, and promising solutions that need testing. The most promising solution: hands-on care by a chiropractor, an expert in diagnosing and relieving lower back pain.

Presented as a service to the community by: Union County Chiropractic Clinic, 110 Skyline Drive, Maynardville, TN (865) 992-7000