A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to this Week’s Article.
Now I don’t mean funny ha, ha, I’m talking funny in terms of things which make you go HMMM!
God’s Emergency Alert System! Yep! I am trying to get your attention and so is God! In a fortuitous stroke of the keyboard last week we compared the Old Testament Prophets to today’s EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM. How timely this was considering the False EMERGENCY ALERT in Hawaii this weekend.
Now, I’m not going to sit at my computer and tell you that I am some kind of inspired writer, or a prophet. I am neither, but what I am going to tell you is that God still has a way of getting mankind’s attention, if we will listen. We have been studying how to interpret God’s word in light of what Jesus told 2 of his followers in Luke 24:7. In which, Jesus begins at Moses and all the prophets, to expound all the scriptures concerning himself. It was our intent to cover the main reasons why Moses is important before we even mentioned the prophets. But, I suppose providence knows better how to present the things of God, then I. So, let me take advantage of current events, to more fully expound on “rightly dividing the word of truth”.
Paul tells us in Romans that the “whole creation groans and travails in pain “, to deliver God’s message, His EMERGENCY ALERT, if you will, to us. In light of that statement, let’s use this current event to ponder a few questions and some scriptures about prophets. Some we will answer by common sense and others by scriptures.
How do we know if a prophet is a true prophet sent by God? Well, that is pretty simple, his prophecy will come true, all the time. This gives a prophet credibility. I don’t suppose anyone will every fully trust the Hawaiian Emergency Alert System after this False Alarm! God’s word on the other hand has never failed.
Do we still have prophets like the Old Testament Prophets today? No, we do not have prophets today like the Old Testament Prophets. Jesus plainly tells His Disciples and the Pharisees in Matthew 11:13 that “All the prophets and the law prophesied until John”. Jesus repeats the same statement in Luke 16:16: The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.
If we don’t have prophets, what do we have? Well, for one, we have the light of the Gospel record. We have the recorded testimony of the Old Testament Prophets which predicted hundreds of things about Jesus, centuries before He came, all of which came true.
Jesus told Nicodemus, “You must be born again”, this was a natural example, used by Jesus to explain a God or “Spiritual” concept to a man. The heavens declare the glory of God; this earth is his handy work!
God created the heavens and the earth, that we might know Him, He became flesh, humbled Himself to live among us, offered Himself a perfect sacrifice for our sins, all of this and more to save whosoever will believe.
God is coming again! Not as a humble servant but in Righteous indignation to Judge all mankind. EMERGENCY ALERT, THIS IS NOT A DRILL!
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