The Effects Of Covid-19: Small Businesses

Covid-19. Coronavirus. The Rona. All are names of the virus that has swept the United States these last few months, the same virus that has drastically changed life for almost every person in the world. Anyone who watches the news, reads a news-feed, or listens to news-talk radio has an idea of what’s going on in our government (at least what they’re telling us). But what is really going on? How are things on the home front? How has this virus, and the resulting quarantine and social distance regulations, affected those here in Union County?
The Facts: On March 24th Salons were closed, dine-in restaurants were closed for take-out only and non-essential shops were closed (such as Union County Pawn and Walker’s Appliances).
Slowly, these organizations were allowed to reopen under government regulations. Many places were open for half days at first, but some business is better than none, right? Each shop had different opening days and rules to follow, but they gladly followed them so that they could resume operation.
Raven Hair Beauty Salon and New You Hair Salon were allowed to reopen after May 12th, provided everyone wears a mask, and only allowing one customer per stylist, spacing them out to allow time to sanitize between each client. Their first order of business was to contact and reschedule the appointments that had been unavoidably postponed due to closure, and to catch up.
33 Hardware was not closed for business, but saw a definite increase in traffic in the store. Their only issues were slow shipping on inventory and the lack of available supplies.
Dyer’s Flooring also saw a slight increase of customers, but has been limiting the amount of people in the store, ensuring social distancing standards are followed.
Union Pawn however, was one place who suffered because of the virus outbreak and resulting closure. After going to half days for the first two weeks in April, Union Pawn noted that business was extremely slow until things picked up after people received stimulus checks. Things again trickled off to a slow pace for them.
Walker’s Appliances has been doing okay where shoppers are concerned, but due to a supplier completely shutting down its operation, they are having a hard time keeping things in stock to sell. They also took note that freezers seemed to be in unusual high demand, likely owing to the fact that people want to stock up on their groceries.
Resturants like El Mariachi, China One, Dominoes, Pete’s Place, Subway, 33 Diner, Little Joe’s, Hardee’s and McDonalds resorted to drive-through or take out only, and fared decently, and in some cases a bit better than before..Many of these places are now opening their dining rooms with limited dining. Kelly’s Deli, however closed and remains closed today.
Each organization in Union County has experienced its own form of the Coronavirus and quarantine, but all need one thing: your support. Support your local businesses and do your part to keep these in operation!! We’re all in this TOGETHER.
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