Commission Sees Fiscal 2018 End Within Budget and Gives Wheel Tax Exemption to Firefighters and Rescue Squad

Union County Commission

Finance Director Ann Dyer reported that Fiscal 2018 ended within budget and all budgets in balance at Monday night's regular Union County Commission Meeting,

Jim Houston of Union County Rescue Squad explained a new state law effective July 1 that gives each active firefighter and each active rescue squad member with one year of service one free license plate that is exempt from the state fee. Houston brought a resolution allowed by the new law to exempt the same license plate from the local wheel tax. The captain or chief must certify that the member meets all requirements. Mr. Houston stated that the free tag may be a recruiting tool as well as a way to show appreciation for all of the personal expense of time and money contributed by Union County Rescue Squad members and Firefighters. The resolution passed the first reading on a motion and second by Commissioners Billy Cox and Wayne Roach.

Commissioner Chris Upton ignited a lively discussion when he requested the commission allow Sharps Chapel Fire Department (SCFD) to lease property behind Rush Strong School. Attorney David Myers commented that no current file exists in the Mayor's office regarding whether the building or property was already leased. His further research in the Register of Deeds Office back to 1965 did not reveal a lease either. Since Mr. Myers found a deed but no boundary survey, Commissioner Roach urged that the survey be completed on the entire property.

In addition, SCFD was unsure of the amount of property needed. Finance Director Ann Dyer questioned what department would fund the survey since it was not in the current budget.Finally, Attorney Myers recommended the Commission authorize Ms. Dyer to contract a surveyor to determine boundary lines and the portion to be leased including an easement to access the road. Ms. Dyer would then bring the proper information including funding to Commission in August. Commissioners Roach and Dail made the motion which passed. Commissioner Upton abstained due to his being a member of SCFD. Building the substation will allow more Sharps Chapel residents to be better protected by the department and may result in reduced insurance rates for homeowners and businesses.

In Old Business, Commissioner Mike Sexton asked if Attorney Myers had checked on whether the architect for the courthouse renovation had fulfilled his obligations. Mr. Myers reported that after careful analysis of the contract, the architect fulfilled the responsibility of preparing documents and letting the bid. He further stated that the fact that bids were higher than expected does not void the contract with the architect who has already been paid and should have been paid.

Sheriff Breeding reported 735 calls, 14 wrecks with injury, 30 wrecks without injury, 3 burglaries, 95 booked, and a current jail population of 96.

Notary Jennifer Jones was approved as were the minutes for regular and special called meetings.

The next Budget and Finance Meeting will be Tuesday, August 7, with the Regular County Commission Meeting on Monday, August 13.