Commission to revisit constable issue

Plans advance for two new community centers

At the February meeting, the Union County Commission voted to revisit the issue of the position of constable in Union County. At the January meeting, the commission had voted to abolish the position. However, after a representative of the East Tennessee Constables Association and other community members addressed the commission and requested that a dialogue of expectations be opened between the constables and the commission, Commissioner Eddie Simpson asked that the issue be put on the March agenda for first reading and ample discussion. The motion was approved 13 for and 3 against.

Law enforcement issues appeared under surplus items as well as new business. Sheriff Breeding requested to surplus 11 patrol cars in order to sell them to Hancock County for $350 each. Commissioners approved this motion after a motion for $1 each had failed in January. The sheriff also wanted to surplus a K-9 described as aggressive to its original trainer who is no longer an officer in Union County. A motion to reassign the dog rather than surplus it failed. Commissioners Dyer and Mike collaborated on a motion to surplus the dog and sell it to the original trainer for $1500 with the stipulation that it could no longer be a member of a K-9 unit. The motion was approved 14 for and 2 against. A discussion regarding inmates attempting to set a roll of toilet paper on fire resulted in the sheriff agreeing to fix the fire alarm and to take greater precautions regarding inmates having wires and other contraband materials.

County Mayor Jason Bailey discussed numerous grants and projects throughout the county. He shared the site plan for the Speedwell Community Center. Commissioners Dyer and Simpson provided a motion to purchase the two-acre site for $35,000. Bailey commented that the Speedwell site is being reviewed for a self-contained waste system and the plan is to construct both the Speedwell and the Big Ridge Community Centers simultaneously to make the projects more cost effective. Both will be funded from AARPA funds with no local tax money involved. Commissioners authorized the mayor to seek an Appalachian Regional Commission Grant to expand and improve Blue Mud Boat Launch by widening the launch, constructing a pier, and expanding, paving and striping two large parking areas. The improvements will remove the on-street parking issue and still offer a free boat launch in Union County. Commission also unanimously approved a resolution to apply for a Home Grant that would bring $750,000 with no match to rehabilitate housing in Union County for qualified owners.

Bailey encouraged commission to set aside money in the 171 Capital Projects budget to begin building a construction fund for a new jail. The Hubbs property is out of bankruptcy and is being reviewed as a possible jail site.

Proposals to request funds by nonprofits are due to the Finance Office by Friday, March 21. The next commission meeting is Monday, March 24, at 7 p.m. in the large courtroom.