Commission: no tax increase; 6% raise for most employees

Unanimous vote on budget resolution with no tax increase.

The Union County Commission approved all documents relating to the FY25 Budget unanimously, except for one negative vote by 3rd District Commissioner Kenny Moore on the Non-Profit Budget. The tax rate will remain the same.
The sheriff’s department will get a step increase of two percent. as will EMS. Other county employees will receive a six percent raise which moved them three steps on the pay scale.
A report by Trustee Gina Buckner noted that the number of applications for elderly tax relief was going to exceed the $40,000 cap if all applications were accepted. The commission voted to increase the tax relief cap which will be handled in a budget amendment in August since the commission does not meet in July. Final cleaup for the FY 24 budget will be approved at a special called meeting on June 27 with the Union County Board of Education meeting at 6 p.m., the budget committee at 6:30 and the commission at 7.
The finance office continues to complete and report the budget according to state requirements and timelines. The finance department and Union County government received a letter of commendation from the Tennessee comptroller for being one of nine counties with a perfect audit.
Tom Fitzharris appeared before the commission to request additional funds for the fire departments and the rescue squad. He identified many of the financial issues facing the fire departments. Fitzharris explained that his son, who was a firefighter and also in the military, passed away last year. In memory of his son, Tom intends to match the $15,000 that commission appropriated from the American Rescue Funds dollar for dollar. He reported that he had already raised more than half of the money. He said that he would present the check to Union County at the Sharps Chapel Fall Festival on September 28, the date of his son’s death, and invited all commissioners to join in the presentation. He also said he would report how the money was spent by the fire departments and rescue squad.
County Mayor Jason Bailey reported on some grant and county projects. He shared that HUD has finally approved the easement by the LaFollette Housing Project to use a Safe Routes to School Grant to build a sidewalk from the residences to Luttrell Elementary School. Mayor Bailey is working with TDOT to finalize the project. He explained a federal government grant, Safe Streets and Roads for All, that could provide traffic lights at the entrance to Paulette Elementary, at Durham Drive and Hwy 33, and at Pine Street and Hwy 33 for the new middle school. The grant may also provide a right turn lane on Hwy. 33 in front of UCHS at Main Street. Commission approved the resolution to apply for this grant. He stated that a meeting was scheduled with TDOT and ETDD regarding a grant to possibly replace the present ferry with an upgraded ferry. In Wilson Park, the hillside at the concession stand has been repaired. The Emily Link Gazebo will be repaired by replacing the rotting wood, fixing the concrete stage, and restoring the guttering to alleviate the drainage issue. As soon as payment is made to the soil mapping company, Mayor Bailey will receive the perk test results for the community building property at Big Ridge and Braden and share the information with commission.
Deputy Jerry Lawson spoke in the absence of the sheriff to request the use of the sheriff department FY24 fund balance to be divided among the sheriff department employees as a bonus. This action would leave effectively no balance to carry forward for the sheriff's FY25 budget and would spend more than the customary 94 percent of the sheriff's budget. The motion passed with commissioners Mike, Moore, Simmons and Walker voting against the motion.
Commissioners approved the contract for TNVA and the KOC Trainer contract. Bailey reappointed Ann Dyer and Caleb Dyer to the Library Board. The commission will consider the Drug Recovery Court Resolution in August.
The mayor stated that bids for the new middle school will be opened on June 25. All budget amendments and transfers were approved.

Tom Fitzharris proposes to match an additional $15,000 that Commission approved to be divided among the fire departments and the rescue squad.

Vote on non-profit budget

Finance Director Missy Brown explains the Budget amendments and answers questions on the budget.