Budget & Finance Committee approves change to purchase firetruck

At the November 2020 Budget & Finance Meeting, Chairman Larry Lay and the other members of the Union County Budget and Finance Committee along with Mayor Jason Bailey noted that all Union County Government Commission and Committee meetings scheduled for December are being postponed to January due to concerns over the pandemic and no urgent business to conduct.
During the Mayor's Report, Jason Bailey said that some of the bids for the Local Government Grant have been lower than expected and have enabled more projects to be completed including website upgrades, computers, other equipment that results in saving taxpayer money.
He informed the members that additions including the commercial kitchen have pushed the cost of the Farmer's Market Building above $50,000, which is the state-mandated threshold to require an architectural engineer.
The mayor further explained that Budget & Finance will be asked to include the cost of the architect in the budget. This news sparked some discussion regarding the slowing of the timeline for the completion of the Farmers Market. But most, including the mayor, thought the upgraded facility would be valuable and well worth the investment and cost of the architect. Finance Director Ann Dyer stated that due to some unanswered financial questions about the phrasing of the amendment, the amendment would be on the January agenda.
Other budget amendments and transfers included changes to General Fund 101 for elected officials, which added money to the sheriff's budget from restricted funds, made increases due to 3 STAR, allowed a flowthrough of funds from a civil process, and increased funds due to a land sale.
In addition, carryover drug fund money was put in the budget, and the highway department was approved to purchase a long arm tractor and mower. The committee concurred with the auditor's suggestion to move funds earlier transferred to 171 Capital Projects back to Debt Service until the funds are needed for the specific project.
Lastly, the committee approved a change in the local match from $28,000 to $31,000 for the CDBG Grant to purchase a new firetruck for Northeast Union Volunteer Fire Department and distribute any leftover funds among the other fire departments.
The next meeting will be January 19, 2021.
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