Auxillary for American Legion New Liberty Post 212

Vets eating with Commander Darrell White at the head of room.

Union County citizens recognize the work and sacrifice of the over 3800 veterans living in this county. These vets have served in World War II, Vietnam, in the Gulf, Iraq and Afghanistan wars as well as served stateside and in support positions. Right now, their first and foremost calling is to support any honorable discharged veteran. Christmas is one of their busy times as they shop for food to fill large boxes for about 40 vets. Every year, they put on a Christmas party for kids who may not have much of a Christmas providing food and presents for all. The American Legion has a proud tradition of supporting our nation’s youth. The New Liberty Post 212 supports football, baseball and basketball teams in all the Union County schools. Club Scout Pack 922 holds their meetings in the Veterans building.

But our veterans could use a boost every now and again. To that end, several citizens of Union County are forming an American Legion Auxillary. This volunteer group plans on providing simple but tasty meals for our veterans before their monthly meeting on the first Monday of each month. Commissioner Angela Murphy provided a delicious chili supper in October. Debbie Boeck, Bill Manning and Shirlee Grabko prepared beef stew, cornbread, garlic bread, salad and pudding for the November meeting. December plans are tentatively for meatloaf and mashed potatoes! Future plans for the Auxillary include expanding to other services as needed by the American Legion.

Would you like to support our Union County veterans by volunteering for the Auxillary? Contact Debbie Boeck at or at 954-295-3007.