United Labor Food Bank

As the Detroit auto plants instated "just-in-time" parts delivery, parts manufacturers were hit hard. Imports from Japan hurt the local parts makers, too. In 1980, unemployment in Michigan hit double digits and kept going higher.

The laid-off workers soon exhausted their unemployment benefits. Most had little savings to tide them over to another job. Unless one had a special skill, jobs were hard to find.

Crispy Corn and Tomato Fritters

In skillet, heat 1/2 cup oil over medium-high heat. In bowl, whisk remaining oil and eggs. Mix in cornmeal, corn, tomatoes, green onions, 1/4 teaspoon each of salt and pepper. Spoon 1/3 cupful batter into skillet. Fry, flipping once until golden, about 30 seconds per side. If desired, serve with lettuce, sliced avocado and more chopped tomatoes. Makes 6 servings

When is Spring?

In our area Spring seems to be a crap shoot with all the cold snaps in between warm ups. And when I looked into it, I found that there is more than one opinion of when Spring begins, and so here is a rundown of the possibilities.

March is Extension Month: Celebrating UT Extension’s Impact in Union County

March is a special time for UT Extension offices across Tennessee as we celebrate Extension Month, highlighting the vital role Extension plays in strengthening families, supporting agriculture, and empowering youth. UT Extension Union County is proud to serve our community by providing research-based education and hands-on learning opportunities for farmers, families, youth, and community leaders.

Union County FCE: A Place for Learning, Fellowship, and Community

Are you looking for a way to connect with others, learn valuable skills, and give back to your community? Family and Community Education (FCE) in Union County is the perfect place to do just that!

FCE is a statewide organization dedicated to strengthening individuals, families, and communities through education, leadership, and service. Members enjoy monthly meetings, hands-on workshops, guest speakers, and community outreach projects focused on topics like health and wellness, home and family management, financial literacy, and more.

March 29, 2025

Con Hunley was born in Fountain City and attended Central High School. He idolized Chet Atkins and taught himself to play using Chet Atkins's signature guitar style, often called "Atkins style" or "Travis picking,". Rather than using a guitar pick, this method utilizes his thumb and the first two (or sometimes three) fingers of his right hand to play a combination of bass, rhythm, and melody simultaneously, creating a rich and complex sound.

The Inevitability of Conflict

Divided individuals, family discord, broken friendships, and damaged relationships have been part of the human experience for ages, much like the biblical story of Cain and Abel, who quarreled over their sacrifices to the Lord. Unfortunately, division, disagreement, disparity, and conflict are common in our lives. While conflict is inevitable, how we respond to it is a choice. Our reactions to conflict are shaped by the actions we decide to take.

Safety on a Trampoline

Trampolines are no longer seen just at the circus or at a gymnastic competition. They’re in backyards now around the country. They can be fun, but they have to be treated with respect and caution. Injuries ranging from cuts and sprains to fractures are relatively common. And severe injuries to the neck, back and spinal cord are all too frequent. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind if you’ve bought a backyard model for your kids:

Make sure the trampoline is equipped with high, protective screening that can keep a wayward flying youngster inside the bouncing area.

I Missed That

Being a tomboy, I didn’t ask for similar Christmas presents as my girlfriends did. For example, when I was eleven years old, most of them asked for clothes or record albums. Not me. I asked for a set of darts.

My mom was surprised when I asked for them, but my dad was so excited. When I opened it on Christmas Eve, he immediately sat the dart board against an end table.

I Might Need It

It was no fun being poor during the Great Depression. I learned to "make do." That meant being a saver, but not a hoarder. There is a difference. A saver might have a need to an item in the future. A hoarder just kept an item rather than throw it away. Dented pots and pans, a wash tub with a hole in it or a broken leg on a stool, etc. That's hoarding in my book.