A Little Soreness After Treatment is Okay

Generally, after the start of any new sort of physical activity you may feel a little soreness. Starting chiropractic treatment can yield the same result. So, if you are among the roughly 30 million people who see chiropractors each year, welcome to the club.

The most common side effect of chiropractic treatment is slight soreness. Your doctor of chiropractic will start your treatment with relatively low-intensity force to minimize that soreness and to acclimate your body and joints to the movement. The actions will gradually intensify as your course of treatment progresses. If your chiropractor gives you an exercise program, that, too, will build in intensity.

It’s important that once you begin chiropractic treatment you stick to the plan and schedule that you’ve worked out with your chiropractor. Adhering to that schedule will allow for the graduated intensity of treatment that will minimize soreness. Talk with the chiropractor if you’re sore. He or she may recommend the common treatment for a sore joint: applying ice.

And, just as you should tell your regular physician that you are getting chiropractic treatment, so, too, should you inform your chiropractor about any medical conditions you have and what, if any, treatment you’re getting.
Presented as a service to the community by: Union County Chiropractic Clinic, 110 Skyline Drive, Maynardville, TN (865) 992-7000 www.unioncountychiropractic.com