Cookies Empower Girls in Our Community

When you think of Girl Scouts, delicious cookies often come to mind. However, for our girls, the focus extends beyond cookies. They are dedicated to reaching their full potential by trying new things, forming lasting friendships, helping others and the community, engaging in fun activities, and building a sisterhood within their troop. These principles were established by Juliette Gordon Low, the founder of Girl Scouts, who started the very first troop over 100 years ago in 1912. This gathering ignited and unlocked many potentials for young girls across America.

It’s Cookie Time in Tennessee

The annual Girl Scout Cookie sale has started and the Union County troops are ready to take your order. This year the nine flavors to choose from are Thin Mints, S’mores, Adventurefuls, Samoas, Do-si-dos, Tagalongs, Toffee-tastic, Trefoils and Lemon-Ups. The cookies are sold for $6.00 a box. When you purchase cookies, you are creating opportunities for the young girls of Union County to thrive and grow by learning life and leadership skills. This opportunity was the hope and vision of the founder of the Girls Scouts, Juliette Gorgon Low from Savannah, GA. In 1912