Blue Mud

An opinion on Blue Mud plan

I want to thank Marilyn Toppins for her article on Union County’s mayor and commissioners, along with the TVA and TWRA to decide to drastically change Big Ridge State Park to appeal to motorhomes and campers, and to ignore local residents’ need for a recreational facility nearby. Norris Lake has been bought by outsiders and is, for now, closed to locals for swimming, fishing and camping.

Speak up or sing the blues for Blue Mud

Map services and data available from U.S. Geological Survey, National Gospatial Program

Map services and data available from U.S. Geological Survey, National Gospatial Program

The image shows a proposed plan and what will happen to the natural woodland area across from the current Big Ridge campground and Blue Mud boat launch if the project is completed.
The Union County Commission approved the grant to complete the study to implement this plan at last month’s meeting. The grant is for $104,000 with a match of $24,000. No source for the match was noted in the Mayor’s Report. The approval was done as part of the Budget Amendments and Transfers under Fund 171-Capital Projects.

Nearly $75M handled perfectly says Mayor Bailey

Missy Brown, Crystal Flatford, Ashley Webb and the entire Union County Finance Department received recognition for a perfect county audit.

Mayor Jason Bailey recognized the Union County Finance Department for “doing such an awesome job with Union County finances and having a perfect audit” with no findings in any department or fee office of Union County government at the regular Union County Commission Meeting on November 27. He recognized finance department employees for their careful handling of nearly $75M. He also commended the expertise of the elected officials who handle funds.