Robert Bruce Kezer

R. Bruce Kezer-age 84 of Knoxville departed this world for heaven on February 15 from his home. His family was at his side. Born in Jersey City, NJ, on September 30, 1934 to Edwin and Ruth (Adams) Kezer, Bruce graduated from the University of Vermont in 1957. He then entered the US Army and served, in peacetime, for three years until being honorably discharged at the rank of Lieutenant. Bruce loved Jesus with all his heart, and worked to live instead of the other way around. He considered strangers as friends he had yet to meet, felt chocolate at any meal was perfectly acceptable, and every gathering must include frivolity and laughter, contact sports optional. His love for dessert was surpassed by his love for his wife and children, barely.

He is survived by his loving wife Mimi (Murch), their children Olivia Morrison (Drew) and Evan Kezer, and his children with Laura (Pritchard); Jeremy Kezer (Kim) and Jennifer Davies (Simon), his brother, Richard Kezer, nieces Sandra, Allison, Gail and Ann, and grandson Rhys Davies.

Burial is a private affair, and a celebration of life is to be held in the near future. Details to follow, and please bring a favorite story and/or memory about Bruce to share. In lieu of flowers, Bruce and his family ask that donations be made to the Narrow Ridge Natural Burial Preserve of Washburn, TN or to Matthew 10 Ministries. Arrangements by Cooke-Campbell Mortuary, Maynardville.