Food for Thought

“Grandma, I’m hungry,” the little five-year-old girl said to her grandma. “Honey,” her grandma said back to her. “We are about out of food, but we will make it some way ’til Monday and get help with food from the Union County Food Pantry. You see, grandma and her husband, called Grandpa, were raising three grandchildren, the children of their daughter who left her kids with Grandma and Grandpa three years ago due to her being a heavy drug user. Her whereabouts are unknown and they don’t know if she is still alive.

Grandpa had been injured years ago on a low-paying job and let go with a small pittance. After three years he had been able to get Social Security disability and later grandma started drawing Social Security from her husband’s work. Both combined wasn’t enough to make ends meet with having to raise three children five to nine years old.

With the cost of property taxes and insurance increasing the last three years and inflation, they had to acquire food from the food pantry.

Grandpa raised a small garden and would crawl on his bottom through the rows to weed and later help pick the garden’s bounty. The garden helped, but how much longer could grandpa work a garden. The oldest child was a boy of nine and Grandpa hoped within three years the boy could be a lot of help.

He and Grandma prayed that the boy would not get on drugs like his mother had done. Grandma and Grandpa did not know who the fathers of the children were and their mother probably did not know due to her heavy drug usage. Let’s all hope that today’s young children will not become addicts like the previous generation has done.

Today a school bus driver knows more about the K-12 kids than their parents. The driver knows who the good kids are, who the bad kids are, knows the kids that want attention because they don’t get it at home, they know who the troublemakers are and who the brightest kids on the bus are, and also, the kids that don’t have food on the weekends at home. Most schools in East Tennessee send food bags home on Fridays with these kids.

There are lots of reasons why people may need food assistance. Sometimes things happens such as losing a decent job, accidents, mental problems, illnesses, drug or alcohol abuse.

But the children didn’t cause any of these things to happen. Children need to be cared for and properly guided through their young years, and they need balanced meals to help their bodies grow, become strong, have resistance to diseases and help in building their minds.

Another short story I’ll tell is about an eight-year-old girl the kids on the bus called “Dog.” Her family as such lived in a ramshackle trailer about six miles north of Maynardville. There was no water in this trailer and “Dog” had to sleep on the floor even in the wintertime. She would sleep with two or three dogs who came in and out whenever they pleased. The dogs helped keep her warm at night. This child smelled like the dogs she slept on the floor with.

A next-door neighbor allowed her to take a bath once a week in their house. This happened only 10 years ago in Union County. I think of her often and pray that she made it through high school and didn’t get trapped by drugs or pregnancy during her teen years. I can guess that her family used the food pantries and this helped the young girl and the other young children who played naked in the yard.

Those two examples of families that have needed food for the children are only a miniscule sample of those that either have not planned for or are suddenly forced into accepting young children or unfortunate family members into their homes where there is not enough income to sustain the increased household.

Thank God for help offered by food pantries, church and fraternal organizations support, and the volunteers who donate their time and energy to unload trucks, properly stock and store the food, assemble and pack food boxes for distribution to the needy, and clean and sterilize the food pantry buildings. Without the volunteers there would not be any food pantries.

We also need to acknowledge and praise the Second Harvest organization and all of their personnel. Almost all food pantries of East Tennessee obtain food and supplies from this organization. Another food donor is Food City and their personnel who donate many food items and supplies. Without the help from Second Harvest and Food City the food pantries would suffer.

We also thank the fraternal organizations and donors who support our food pantries. We also thank the school systems in East Tennessee for their help in feeding needy children on weekends through their programs. Last to thank is Enrichment Credit Union in Halls Crossroads for their help and information.

It’s a shame that in the USA today, with all our agricultural production capacity, this problem of starvation of our youngest and oldest persists. Maybe in the future it will be eradicated.

Here is a list of some food pantries:

Union County Food Pantry
553 Fall Creek, Maynardville, TN 37807 ‒ 865-992-4335
Kitty Lewis, Director
Open 2nd and 4th Mondays from 2 to 5 p.m.
Needs men to unload trucks

Christ United Methodist Church (in Halls)
7535 Maynardville Pike, Knoxville, TN 37938 ‒ 865-922-1412, 865-719-4277
Jayne Hunley, Coordinator; Mark Kilbourne, Pastor
Food Distribution first Thursday from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
3rd Wednesday 10 a.m. to noon
Must fill out form required by Second Harvest in case of food recall

Fellowship Christian Church
746 Tazewell Pike, Luttrell, TN 37779 ‒ 865-258-8144
Johnny Smith, Pastor
Food distribution: 1st Thursday from 10 a.m. until people are gone.
Pre-packaged food packs. This month it will be held on July 1st due to Independence Day.

Beneath the Cross Mission Center
3244 Hwy 61E, Luttrell, TN 37779 ‒ 865-661-0175
Provides hot meals from Love Kitchen
2nd and 4th Friday of month from 4 to 6 p.m. or until meals run out
Clothes closet 2nd and 4th Tuesday from 2 to 5 p.m.

Hines Creek Baptist Church
892 Hines Creek Road, Maynardville, TN 37807 ‒ 865-363-6444
Call for food pantry days and hours

New Fellowship Full Gospel Church
914 Maynardville Pike Hwy 33, Maynardville, TN 37807 ‒ 865-255-9435
Sam Ward, Pastor
Located across from Paulette Elementary School
Food pantry 3rd Saturday of month from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Milan Baptist Church
1101 Maynardville Hwy, Maynardville, TN 37807 ‒ 865-992-8128
Next to Paulette Elementary, 3 miles south of Maynardville
Food Pantry 3rd Wednesday night each month
Call for time

We thank all reading this and hope this article enlightens our readers about this growing problem of food shortages throughout our country. A way for you to help is to be a volunteer for any food pantry near you and contact your politicians and voice your opinions. See you next month."

Pictured Clockwise: Heather Anderson, Greg Clay, Jon Smith, Josh Williams (in truck), and Melissa Cox ( front of ramp). Food Services Supervisor Mary Effler worked with ETHRA to acquire a summer food program for 800 children to be given fresh and frozen meat, vegetables, and dairy products every Friday in June at a pick up line at Union County High School. Photo by Melissa Cox



Thursday October 3, 2024 10 am - 7 pm

Tri-County Honor Guard serves at the funeral of Union County Veteran

Thursday October 3, 2024

WATE 6 On Your Side is proud to once again to be partnering with Operation Honor Guard, a 501(c)(3) organization with their annual donation drive. It is the goal of all Honor Guards to offer a last tribute of respect to their departed comrades by rendering military funeral honors to any honorably discharged veteran, without any regard to sex, race, color, creed, national origin, or military rank. There is no cost to the family for this service.

Gardening Classes in October

Attention Tennessee Gardeners!
We have an exciting opportunity for you! Join us for the Welcome Home to My Tennessee Garden series, held on Mondays: October 14, 21, 28, and November 4, from 2:00 to 3:30 PM.
In this series, you will learn about:
• Soils and Climate
• Lawns
• Flowering Plants
• Shrubs and Trees
Whether you’re a beginner or looking to enhance your gardening skills, this class is perfect for you!
Location: 2721 Maynardville Highway, Maynardville, TN 37807

Master Beef Class Upcoming

Attention Beef Cattle Farmers!

UT Extension Union County is excited to announce that we will be hosting the Tennessee Master Beef Producer Program this October and November. This comprehensive educational initiative is designed to help Tennessee cattle producers enhance the profitability of their cow-calf operations.

1937 Extension Home Demonstration Clubs

4H Club Girls, Camp Big Ridge Park. Girls returning from hike. Union County Tennessee.

4H Club Girls, Camp Big Ridge Park. Girls returning from hike. Union County Tennessee.

In 1937, the first Achievement Day took place in Union County. It was created to showcase the many crafts such as rug making that Home Demonstration Clubs created. They made quilts and much much more. They did this at the local high school. Weather effected the turnout out, so the following year (1938) Chairperson Pearl Snodderly. had 54 women compete from the various communities where they met.

Cool season cover crops for the Home Garden

Stock Photo 623233261

Cool-season cover crops offer numerous benefits for gardening and farming, especially in regions where summer conditions can be less favorable. These crops improve soil structure and fertility by adding organic matter, which enhances water infiltration and nutrient retention, crucial for subsequent crop growth. They also establish quickly, effectively suppressing weeds by competing for light, water, and nutrients, thereby reducing the need for herbicides.

Plant of the Month

Gaillardia, also known as blanketflower, comes in a variety of species and performs well through the summer and fall in rock gardens, pollinator plots or native plant collections.

Gaillardia, also known as blanketflower, comes in a variety of species and performs well through the summer and fall in rock gardens, pollinator plots or native plant collections.

The blanketflower is a dazzling little plant that is easy to grow, easy to combine and easy to love. With its long flowering time, gorgeous coloring and tolerance to summer heat, it’s a powerhouse sure to be a treasure all year long.


 Goat cart and 15 cent gas

We all have memories of unusual things. Well, I remember when you could buy gas cheap, really cheap . That was back in 1940, a long time ago. Don’t believe me? I have the picture to prove it. Mother took a picture of goats pulling some sort of contraption. The gas station sign happened to be in the picture, too. There it is – anti-knock for fourteen cents per gallon and ethyl for fifteen cents per gallon. For a penny more, you got their better grade. Do you remember when the engine would knock if you used too low a grade of gasoline? I do.

Chiropractic and Professional Baseball and Football

Chiropractic’s integration into professional sports medical teams has resulted in the creation of the Professional Baseball Chiropractic Society (PBCS). Many of the team chiropractors in Major League Baseball were in attendance, as well as a few from minor league baseball at the first annual PBCS workshop held in March 2015. This first seminar even included a surprise visit from former MLB manager Joe Torre, who took some time to address those in attendance on how beneficial chiropractic was not only to him, but also to the players on the teams he managed.

Witch Hazel

Witch-Hazel not only has an odd name but has the unusual habit of flowering just before winter sets in.

Witch-Hazel not only has an odd name but has the unusual habit of flowering just before winter sets in.

Maybe you aren't familiar with the plant, but perhaps you’ve noticed Witch Hazel as an ingredient found in after-shave lotion, skin ointments, eyewash, or hemorrhoid medication. Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) is a small tree common in our forests. It usually only reaches 15 to 20 feet in height, and tends to have a thick, crooked crown with a lot of branching. The leaves are round or oval shaped with wavy edges. The bottom of the leaf at the stem is always offset, where the leaf edges don’t meet the stem at the same level. The bark of the tree is light brown and scaly.


It was a wonderful day in January for the twelve-year-old boy. He was home from school on an unexpected snow day. Was there anything more wonderful to a boy a half century ago than an unexpected holiday from school?

Kenny Crider is new Plainview Chief of Police

Police Chief Kenny Crider receives the oath of office from Plainview Mayor Lynn Beeler.

On August 28, 2024, Plainview Mayor Lynn Beeler administered the oath of office to Kenny Crider, Plainview's new police chief. Chief Crider comes to Plainview with a wealth of experience in law enforcement and investigation. His career began with the Union County Sheriff Department in 2005 as a corrections officer. In 2008, he graduated from the Police Academy. By 2012, he assumed the responsibility and role of an investigator for UCSD and remained in that role until 2022.

Powerful Love

I don’t know about you, but I have been experiencing some odd changes as I grow older. For one, my clothes seem to be shrinking. Maybe I should switch laundry detergent. For another, I no longer trust elevators.

UCBPA learns how to build your brand

Daniel Monday from Slamdot, a digital marketing and web design company, speaks to UCBPA.

Daniel Monday, from Slamdot, addressed the Union County Business & Professional Association on the topic of “Building Your Brand” at the regular September member meeting at Maynardville City Hall on September 8, 2024. Mr. Monday related that the most important aspects of branding a business is reflecting your mission and core values to the target audience. A business needs to choose a strong brand including a logo with color tones that reflect the core values. Repetition and consistency are also key to building the brand.

Veterans’ Labor Day Cook-out

Several Veterans supervise the grill while discussing things of great importance. Mostly whether it was time to eat yet.

The Union County Veterans celebrated Labor Day together with an American cook-out on September 9. Our Veterans and their spouses observed the end of summer by gathering to share the traditional hamburgers and hot dogs with all the trimmings. This was complimented with potato salad and baked beans, all courtesy of the Veteran Volunteers,. The meal was topped off with a delicious homemade cobbler. As always, the monthly meal was free to our Veterans to thank them for all that they have done for our country.

Pig and Tomato Clubs

UT Extension Union County Big Sinks 4H Girls Club

Big Sinks 4H Club, Girls newly made uniform aprons.

Because of the relocating of 1100 families in Union County, the building of Norris Dam and the flooding during the building, the 4-H programs had to be put on hold. In 1936 Agent C.B. Barnes started the programs back up with 77 boys in Luttrell, Big Sinks and Rush Strong. The boys had “Pig” Clubs and performed well in competition. The Sears and Roebuck Company sponsored an essay contest .

Anticonvulsant Drugs Ineffective for Low Back Pain and Can Cause Harm, Despite Increased Prescribing

Anticonvulsant drugs are increasingly being used to treat low back pain, but a study in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) finds they are ineffective and can have adverse effects. Clinically, the prescription of anticonvulsants for back and neck pain, including radicular pain in primary care, has increased by 535% in the last 10 years. Low back pain affects millions of people and is the number one cause of disability.

Be a Champion!

A word we have seen a lot lately in the local and national news is champions. The 2024 Summer Olympics just came to a close and we have seen or heard numerous stories about the US medal winners and Olympic athletes that attended the University of Tennessee. We have spent the last few months celebrating the Tennessee Vols baseball team winning their first ever national championship.

Hide N' Seek

Playing hide and seek was one of my favorite childhood games. I’m not sure why since I wasn’t very good at it. Not at all. First, I struggled to find my hidden friends. Most of the time, they would make it back to home base before I could tag or find them. I wasn’t any more successful at finding a place to hide in that I was usually found before anybody else. But there was an instance in my childhood where I couldn’t be found. To beat it all, I wasn’t even playing Hide ‘N seek.

Dad's Electric Fence

Artwork by Shirley McMurtrie

I have subscribed to the magazine Farm Show off and on for many years. It is full of inventive ideas farmers do to solve their everyday problems. It shows how creative farmers can be. Of course, you learn to “make do” with homemade things when money is tight. For a farmer, that is almost always. He probably had to borrow from the bank for seed in the spring, hoping to pay it back when he harvested in the fall. A farmer is always looking for ways to save money. Isn’t that the definition of invention, looking for a cheaper or easier ways to do something?

Late Summer Flower Show

Cup Plant is one of many late summer flowers that are in a family called Composite, where what looks like one flower is actually many.

Cup Plant is one of many late summer flowers that are in a family called Composite, where what looks like one flower is actually many.

When it comes to wildflowers that show up in August and September, two things stand out: yellow is by far the dominant color you’ll see, and many of the flowers have a complex flower structure termed a composite, made up of many flowers. You have to look close to actually see what’s going on here, so let me dive in.

Nursery Mission

We were on a mission. When Tim and I walked into the back bedroom in our daughter
Sara’s house, we were ready to help turn it into a nursery. Unfortunately, we weren’t prepared for the damage we saw.

Safeguard Against Falls

One of the perils of advancing age is the fall, which can leave a person with a debilitating injury like a broken hip. Muscle and bone strength deteriorate over the years as does our ability to stay balanced. The American Chiropractic Association recommends a number of practices to help avoid a fall:

Periodically review with your physician the type and dosage of prescriptions you may be taking. Some can cause dizziness or lightheadedness.

1930s Extension History Tobacco

UT Extension Union County Agents teaching about soil erosion.

Agents teaching about soil erosion.

In 1934, the Union County Extension agents, along with the local farmers, started the Tobacco Control Program. That year there were 1,100 family farms that were located in fertile bottoms where Norris Lake is presently located. There were 1,374 farms throughout Union County.
In 1935, an extra agent, Mabel Moore, was assigned to Union County as a Special Home Demonstration Agent. She was working along with TVA to mainly focus on Soil Erosion through the Erosion Control Association. Another agent, Oma Whorley, was assigned to serve District IV.

Good Bye Friends

Country Connections
By James and Ellen Perry
As I sit on my front porch listening to Santo and Johnny playing “Tear Drop” on my computer, it puts me in a melancholy mood.
It’s now late August of 2024 and all of my flying friends are coming through on their way to their over-wintering homes either in the deep south of the USA or the butterflies and hummingbirds are heading south crossing the Gulf of Mexico to the Latin Americas or northern South America.

Speaking Mountain

Photo by Steve Roark

Due to isolation created by living in the mountains, residents kept using a lot of old English words and phrases that were lost in other regions.

By Steve Roark
Volunteer, Cumberland Gap National Historical Park
If you read my stuff much, you know that I am unabashedly proud to be mountain bred. I love our southern Appalachian mountains. The terrain, the climate, the plants and animals, the culture and history, all blend together to form a unique place to live.

Stringing Wire

Artwork by Shirley McMurtrie

Anne was tidying up our barn the other day. She brought a strange looking contraption in for me to identify. It was a line level, of course.
You must be of a certain age and farm bred to recognize it. I answer “yes” to both conditions.

UC Commission handles lengthy August agenda

Site excavation has begun on the new middle school property.

Schools director Greg Clay reported to the Union County Commission on August 26 that excavation has begun for the new middle school on John Deere Drive. The formal groundbreaking ceremony will be on Wednesday, September 4, at 9:30 a.m. at the site.
Several property items were considered by the commission. The Luttrell Industrial Park Property was the subject of a motion by Greg Dyer and a second by Mike Boles to appraise the property for possible sale that the commission approved. Voting ‘No’ on the motion was Sidney Jesse.

Mayor Bailey installs elected officials

The four newly elected Union County Board of Education members are all smiles after taking their oath of office. Jimmy Carter, Harold Cooke, Terry Washam, and Charlie Hamilton.

Union County Mayor Jason Bailey installed six elected officials at the August county commission meeting. He administered the oath of office to Randy Turner, Assessor of Property, and David Cox, Road Superintendent.
Then at the BOE meeting, the four newly elected Union County School Board members took their oath: Charles Hamilton (1st District), Terry Washam (2nd District), Jimmy Carter (4th District) and Harold Cooke (6th District).

Plainview awards $10,000 to LVFD

LVFD Chief Brad Woods (center) receives the check from Plainview Mayor Lynn Beeler and Vice Mayor Richard Phillips.

The Plainview Board of Aldermen awarded a $10,000 check to Luttrell Volunteer Fire Department at the August meeting.
Plainview recently built an extended bay for the fire department and is planning to help with furnishing the living quarters. Chief Brad Woods accepted the donation and expressed his gratitude for Plainview's support.

Enjoy the farmers market for another month

The Union County Farmers Market runs every Saturday from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m., continuing until October 5. Be sure to visit and support local vendors while enjoying a vibrant community atmosphere.
Join us for a flavorful farewell to summer at the Farmers Market. We look forward to seeing you and sharing the joy of fresh, local produce!

Plainview changes permit fee for manufactured homes

Stewart Skeen discusses a plat to combine property on Atkins Road with Mayor Lynn Beeler and Chairman Walter Stone.

At their meeting in August, the Plainview Planning Commission recommended and the Plainview Board of Aldermen approved a resolution to change the building permit fee for manufactured and modular homes. Manufactured and modular homes, according to the state, had building requirements upgraded before 2020. These upgrades made the construction of manufactured and modular homes equal to "stick built" homes. So Plainview will charge the same 50 cents per square foot fees for double wide, manufactured, modular and stick built homes. Homes will have three inspections during construction.

Wild Blue Yonder Band shares the roots of Appalachian Music

Wild Blue Yonder Band: Kristiana Arnwine, Phil Coward, and Melissa Wade.

Wild Blue Yonder band returns to headline the Gospel Tent at the 20th Union County Heritage Festival.
Acoustic mountain gospel, old-time and bluegrass songs in Appalachian style are the heart and soul of Wild Blue Yonder, based in Knoxville. Fiddle, cello, mandolin, banjo, guitar and three-part harmonies combine in a rootsy blend, honoring the rich musical traditions of the Smoky Mountains and beyond.

Calling all quilters!

Quilt showcasing Union County events and landmarks.

The Union County Heritage Festival Quilt Show is Saturday October 5, at Union County Museum and will have adult and youth categories for judging.
All quilters are invited to bring your quilts to the museum on Thursday, October 3, between 1:30 and 6 p.m. Ellen Perry and Patricia Campbell will be at the museum to accept entries.

Call for artists of all ages

3D Art from the 2023 Heritage Festival

The Union County Heritage Festival Art Show will be held Saturday, October 5, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Historic Snodderly House, 721 Main Street, in Maynardville. Park at the house or the parking lot across from the Art Show. On Festival Day, parking is also available at Wilson Park where visitors can ride the big yellow bus free shuttle to the Art Show. New this year is a Youth Art Exhibit.
The show is a juried mixed-media exhibition open to artists of all ages. The exhibition is intended to showcase artwork produced throughout our area. There is no entry fee.

Enter Heritage Festival Youth Talent Show

A Luttrell youth plays the keyboard at the 2022 Heritage Festival.

The Union County Youth Talent Show is a new addition to the Union County Heritage Festival on Saturday, October 5. The show is not a contest. There is no entry fee. There are two shows and participants need to choose only one show. Show Times are 11 a.m. to noon and1 to 2 p.m. at Woods Music Heritage Theater, 3765 Maynardville Hwy, where the Pizza parlor used to be in Maynardville and next to the News Leader. Registration forms are available at Woods Music or online at and attached to this article.

'Moving' and the Union County Farmers Market

Nourish Moves – and the market – are really moving! Beginning Saturday, September 7, the Union County Farmers Market will be located in the Union County High School student parking lot – you’ll be able to see us from the road! The hours are not changing, they will still be from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., just the location. This move is a sign of progress; it means that Heritage Park and the farmers market pavilion construction is resuming!

Hot Pants

I have been writing articles for about 12 years. I wrote for a few years for the Union County Shopper until it ceased publication after it was purchased by the Knoxville News-Sentinel and/or Scripps Howard.
Then my good friend Aaron Russell gave me the opportunity to write for Historic Union County, which is published weekly online at and monthly as a free newspaper.

Wart Girl

Have you ever played with a frog? Believe it or not, I never have. It wasn’t because I was afraid of them. After all, they don’t have eight legs. Bad spider joke? Sorry.
Anyway, Mamaw Jo was the reason I avoided them at all costs. She told me if I picked one up and it urinated on me, I would get warts all over my hands. That mortified me. If I was playing outside and one hopped toward me, I ran the other way. Even after I did a little research and discovered Mamaw Jo was wrong, that thought was stuck in my head. I didn’t touch a frog until I dissected one in biology class.

War- a Poem


(This was written about a fictional battle of the Mexican War of Independence. However, I found it in my files and felt it covered the horrors and turmoil of any war. May this be food for thought. This is also in Archive of Our Own under ‘bookscape.’)

Extension Helping in Many Ways

In 1918 the two Extensions Agents Kyker and Miller organized the first Union County Fair. It was supported by the County Commission who donated $1,000. The County Commission only supported the fair for one year. They traveled to Knoxville for the District Exhibition and competitions. This was a big deal for the 4-H members and the women of the Home Demonstration Clubs. Most had never traveled outside the county.
Agents had to travel by horse and buggy to the various communities.

Truett Davis wins first place in talent at Appalachian Fair

1st Place Winner: Truett Davis, 2nd Place Winner: Julia Martin, 3rd Place Winner: Lakely Asher

Truett Davis, a member of Union County 4-H, took home first place in the Youth and Talent Contest at the Appalachian Fair last month. There were seven contestants, ranging in age from 12 to 21. Truett was the youngest participant at 12 years old. He has taught himself piano over the past couple of years, and only just last week, began formal instruction with a piano teacher. He played "Rush E" and the audience was delighted.

Protect your Joints

A healthy back and spine, of course, are vital to your well-being. The spine protects the spinal cord, which transmits signals back and forth between the brain and the body’s other parts. But you have to be careful with all the body’s joints and protect them to maintain a good quality of life. Here are some tips to keep in mind during routine daily activity:

Keep your weight under control. Every excess pound you carry puts unnecessary strain on joints, including hips, knees and ankles. Excess weight also puts strain on your feet.

Water Woes

I was privileged to have opportunity to speak at the August 2024 meeting of the Union County Historical Society. I shared with them the following story about the legendary Union County educator Florence Chesney.

Seeing the Trees for the Leaves

While the flower of this Wild Hydrangea may draw your eye, it's leaves combine with many other plants to make our mountains green

While the flower of this Wild Hydrangea may draw your eye, it's leaves combine with many other plants to make our mountains green

By Steve Roark
Volunteer, Cumberland Gap National Historical Park

You don’t realize it, but when you look at our local mountains you aren’t really seeing the mountains themselves because they are covered in trees with a whole lot of leaves. On average a mature tree has a hundred thousand leaves. It takes around seventy biggish trees to shade an acre of mountain forest, which doing the math comes to seven million leaves per acre. And since you are looking at perhaps a thousand acres of forest at a casual glance, that comes to…well you get the gist.


Being normal has never been my cup of tea. For instance, when I was a kid, I used to think about experiences that most people avoided. I wondered what it was like to be put to under for surgery, being close to a tornado, or being stung by a bee. At this point in my life, I have experienced all of them, but the bee sting was the first one and it was a bizarre thing.

Ranch Style Deviled Eggs

Artwork by Shirley McMurtrie

Make this a day ahead. You will have enough to do the day of the party. Place eggs in large saucepan with enough water to cover by 2 inches. Place over high heat and bring to a boil. Cover. Remove from heat and let stand until cool. Drain cooking water and cover eggs with cold water. Peel eggs and halve lengthwise. Transfer cooked egg yolks to mixing bowl. Set eggs whites aside on large platter ...

Change of plans!

Due to an unforeseen conflict, the Union County Lion’s Clubs Free Spaghetti Dinner (originally planned on September 7 before the Union County Opry’s Lonesome River Band concert) has had to be rescheduled. The FREE Spaghetti Dinner will now be held at 5:30 pm on Saturday December 14th before the Union County Opry’s fantastic annual Christmas Show!! The dinner is still free! And followed by excellent music. Hope to see you there!

Big Ridge Bluegrass Festival Celebrates 43 Years of Music and Community

Tennessee Brushfire Bluegrass Band

Shown here: Tennessee Brushfire Bluegrass Band (L-R) Doug Roberts, banjo; Linda Bunch, bass; Roger Lay, lead vocals and guitar; Anthony Hensley, tenor vocals and mandolin; Wayne Goforth, baritone vocals and fiddle.

Big Ridge Park hosted its 43rd annual Bluegrass Festival on Friday, August 16, drawing music lovers from near and far. Despite a rainy start around 4:00 PM, the weather cleared just in time for the festivities, which ran from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM.

The evening featured performances from a lineup of talented bands, including Norris Freeway, Tennessee Brushfire, Scrap Iron, The Beason Family, The Teno Family, and John Alvis, who kept the audience entertained with lively bluegrass tunes.

The Beginning of 4-H

The first 4-H Clubs, referred to then as Corn Clubs, were organized by J. W. Kyker in 1918. Twenty-four boys enrolled in the project, eleven completed records. The eleven completing records were Charles & Tommy Ousley, Elmer Dunn, Raymond Monroe, Ralph & Roy Tarver, Lowell Stooksbury, Glen Irwin, Sherman Mitchell, Plumer Loy and Ted Sharp. The Corn Club winner was Lowell Stooksbury, who produced over 80 bushels of corn per acre at a cost of 14.6 cents per bushel. He grew Tennessee Red Cob. The picture was t

The first 4-H Clubs, referred to then as Corn Clubs, were organized by J. W. Kyker in 1918. Twenty-four boys enrolled in the project, eleven completed records. The eleven completing records were Charles & Tommy Ousley, Elmer Dunn, Raymond Monroe, Ralph & Roy Tarver, Lowell Stooksbury, Glen Irwin, Sherman Mitchell, Plumer Loy and Ted Sharp. The Corn Club winner was Lowell Stooksbury, who produced over 80 bushels of corn per acre at a cost of 14.6 cents per bushel. He grew Tennessee Red Cob. The picture was taken on the M.C. Dunn farm south of Maynardville. Other boys in the picture include Roy Acuff (front row left) Tad McDonald and Lillard Wallace. J.W. Kyker, Union County's Emergency Demonstration Agent, is in the back row on the right. Clay Patrick is in the front row on right.

J.W. Kyker, the first UT Extension Agent in Union County in 1918, found it difficult to get the local farmers to come together to better educate themselves at new farming techniques, presented by the University of Tennessee’s Agricultural Department. So he began to target the next generation by starting the first Union County 4-H Boys Club. He enrolled twenty five boys, using them to educate the adults. The first clubs were known as “Corn Clubs”. Note there is a photo of this group inside the Union County Extension Office.

A New Study is Reassuring Regarding the Safety of Chiropractic Care for low Back Pain

A recent study examined whether chiropractic spinal manipulation could lead to an increased risk of cauda equina syndrome (CES), a rare but serious condition affecting the bundle of spinal nerve roots in the lower back that requires emergency surgery. This retrospective study analyzed medical record data for over 130,000 adult patients from academic medical centers who received either chiropractic spinal manipulation or physical therapy evaluation for low back pain in the United States.


Soil Health for Organic Systems

Soil health experts from the Natural
Resources Conservation Service will
teach the basics of soil health principles,
and their context within organic
management systems. Presentations may
identify barriers, challenges, and
potential solutions for fostering soil
health on organic operations at any scale.
Participants will learn hands-on low-cost
methods for assessing soil health in a
field setting. Instructors will also cover
advanced soil testing for soil health
indicators and interpretations. Field

Big Ridge Bluegrass is August 16

Big Ridge State Park will be hosting its 43rd annual Bluegrass Festival on Friday, August 16. The music will start at 6 p.m. and will rcontinue until 10:30. There will also be food trucks and a variety of craft vendors. The event is free to the public.
Performances By: Norris Freeway, Tennessee Brushfire, Scrap Iron, The Beason Family, The Teno Family and John Alvis.

University of Tennessee Steak & Potatoes Field Day

CROSSVILLE, Tenn. — The annual Steak and Potatoes Field Day presented by the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture will include topics of interest to beef cattle producers, fruit and vegetable producers and land managers. Throughout the morning, experts from both UT AgResearch and UT Extension will share their knowledge to help producers enhance their operations.
This in-person field day is scheduled for Thursday, August 22, 2024, at the Plateau AgResearch and Education Center.

UCCC Under the Tree Distribution December 7

Treasurer Brooke Simpson, Chairperson Gina Gilbert, Chief Elf Carol Pratt, and a host of volunteers will be distributing toys and gifts from Under the Tree, a project of Union County Children's Charities, on Saturday, December 7, 2024. The big orange applications will be sent by the end of August to be returned before the end of September. Wish Trees will be set up on November 1 at Food City and surrounding businesses. As toys and gifts are donated, the elves will be bagging the them for the Saturday, December 7 Distribution Day.

Overdose Awareness and Memorial Service

"Loved and Lost"
3rd Annual InternationalOverdose Awareness Day Candlelight Service
Remembering those loved and lost to substance use disorder
Saturday August 31, 2024 7:30 - 9 PM
Miller's Chapel (across from McDonald’s) 2719 Maynardville Hwy., Maynardville, TN 37807
This project is funded under a grant contract provided by the

Women's Fall Backpacking Workshop

Women's Fall Backpacking Workshop at Norris Dam State Park

Join Ranger Holly Frerichs for an overnight experience in the backcountry! This is a beginner-friendly workshop for women where we will learn best practices for overnight camping and some survival tactics. The hike to the campsite is 3.5 moderate miles in and the same route back out. This workshop is open to women and girls 15 and older.


Florence Evelyn (Hickman) Baumann

Florence Evelyn (Hickman) Baumann-age 70 of Kodak went to be with her loved ones Wednesday, September 18, 2024. She enjoyed crafting and crocheting and loved flowers and gardening. Preceded in death by her daughter, Melissa Bible; parents, William Willis and Edith Florence Hickman; brothers and sisters, Leroy, Donald, Paul-Eugene, Debra.

Catherine Louise Ralston

Catherine Louise Ralston – age 63 of Luttrell, went to be with the Lord Sunday, September 15, 2024. Catherine loved to do crafts and always loved to go shopping. She is preceded in death by her mother, Caroline Moray; sister, Patty Chilson.

She is survived by her loving husband of 43 years, Randy Ralston; daughters, Nena Ralston, Morgan Ralston, Cassie Ralston, Randi Kay Ralston, Chastity Ralston; son-in-law, Johnathan Matthews; 13 grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren, best friend, Kathy Satterfield; many nieces and nephews.

Fosteen Ray

Fosteen M. Ray-age 91 of Sharps Chapel went to be with her Lord peacefully Friday, September 13, 2024 at her home. She was a retired surgical technician with Claiborne Medical Center. Preceded in death by her first husband, Davis Wright; sons, Timothy Fannon and Michael Hooper; step-son, Darrell Ray; great-granddaughter, Megan Whitaker; one infant brother; aunt, Irene Lay.

Stanley Wynn

Stanley Wynn -- age 77 of Maynardville, passed away peacefully Friday September 13, 2024 at his home. He is preceded in death by his father and mother, George and Cora Wynn; sister, Ellen Helton, Lily Mae Middleton; brother, Earnest Wynn, and son Scott Wynn.

Shyrle Wyrick

Shyrle Wyrick-age 73 of Luttrell went to be with the Lord, Thursday morning, September 12, 2024, at her home, surrounded by her family. She was a member of Bethel Baptist Church, Corryton. She loved the Lord, her family and animals. Preceded in death by her husband, Sebe Frank Wyrick; parents, Johnny Frank and Dora D. Beeler; brother, Johnny Lee Beeler; sister, Mary Beeler; brothers, Jerry Beeler, Jeff Beeler.

Blanche Munsey

Blanche Munsey-age 86 of Washburn passed away Thursday, September 12, 2024, at Claiborne Health and Rehabilitation Center. She was a member of Dutch Valley Baptist Church. Preceded in death by her husband, Carson Munsey; children, John Munsey, Lou Alama Graves; parents, Harvey and Leona McMurray; brothers, Austin, Robert, and Cecil McMurray; sister, Madge Workman.

Madge Nicley Workman

Madge Nicley Workman-age 84 of Maynardville passed away Monday morning, September 9, 2024, at her home. She was a member of Nave Hill Baptist Church. Madge was a former employee of Bob Beeler’s Grocery and Hensley I.G.A. Preceded in death by her husbands, Edward (Bud) Nicley, Arnold Workman; son, Michael Nicley; daughter, Christine Nicley.

She is survived by her grandchildren, Jonathan and Christy Nicley, Jamie Nicley, Jennifer and Jay Graham, Dakota Nicley, Johnny King, Jonya King; 17 great grandchildren; 5 great great grandchildren; sister, Blanche Munsey.

Dwane Dyke

Dwane “Dad” Dyke, born on May 6, 1932, in Sharps Chapel, TN, passed away peacefully on September 4, 2024, in Knoxville, TN. Dwane was a dedicated family man who cherished the memories he created with his five generations of children and grandchildren. From a young age, Dwane exemplified a strong work ethic. Inspired by the arrival of electricity in his home at the age of 17, he pursued a career as an electrician, dedicating 25 years to Knox Porcelain and another 10years at the University of Tennessee.

Phillip David Oehlberg

Phillip David Oehlberg Sr., the proud father of 4 children, age 55, of Maynardville Tennessee, died unexpectedly on Friday, August 30th, 2024.

He was born in Chicago in 1969 to Peter John Oehlberg Sr. and Norinne Alyce Oehlberg. He loved spending time with his brothers. He always valued the people in his life, going to work at Trulite Aluminum and Glass for over 20 years, making many friends, and supporting his family. He was a well-known and respected figure in the community, loved by everyone he interacted with.

William Dale Vann

William Dale Vann-age 42 of Maynardville, originally from Kodak went to be with the Lord Wednesday, September 4, 2024. He was a gifted tattoo artist with a witty personality and had an unforgettable smile that left an impression on everyone. William adored his grandchildren and loved his family. Preceded in death by his parents, Harry and Debra Vann; brother, Troy Vann.

Wesley Shane Cole

Wesley Shane Cole-age 40 of Corryton passed away Wednesday, August 28, 2024. He was saved at an early age and was a Christian. He loved all his family dearly although the drugs controlled him. Preceded in death by his mother, Janice King; grandmother, Bobbie Moore; grandparents, Gladys and Sonny Reeser; aunt, Melody Dawn McGhee; uncles, Edward Osborne, Rocky Osborne, Spanky Reeser.

Evelyn Kaye Merritt

Ms. Evelyn Kaye (Graham) Merritt (unmarried)-age 72 of Corryton born May 4, 1952, entered into the Lords Rest in the early morning hours of August 31, 2024, at Willow Ridge Rehabilitation Center. It was a rest that she desperately needed because her body and mind were so tired. Kaye also knew that she wasn't getting angel wings and flying off to heaven. She is getting the best rest ever and will be ready and rested when the Lord returns for His Bride, The Church.

Charlene Pelfrey

Charlene Pelfrey passed away at her home on August 31, 2024 surrounded by her loving family. Born June 11, 1957, she lived a life filled with love, creativity and kindness. She was the devoted wife of Darrell Pelfrey for 40 wonderful years. Charlene's infectious spirit touched everyone she met. She had a passion for painting and Jesus. Charlene dedicated her life to caring for others, always putting their needs before hers. Many will dearly miss and lovingly remember Charlene.

AC Tolliver

AC Tolliver-age 74 of Jefferson City passed away Monday, September 2, 2024, at Turkey Creek Medical Center. He was born August 5, 1950, and raised in the Sharps Chapel Community of Union County. He was a U.S.. Army Veteran of the Vietnam War. Preceded in death by wife, Cassandra Kay (Lynch) Tolliver; daughter, Marnie Tolliver-Graham; parents, Phlim AC and Hallie (Weaver) Tolliver.

Alice Faye Nicely

Alice Faye Nicely-age 74 of Maynardville passed away peacefully Monday, August 26, 2024, at Willow Ridge Center, surrounded by her loving family. She was a member of Ailordale Baptist Church. Preceded in death by her loving husband, LeeRoy Nicely; father and mother, Eddie (Plummer) and Ruby Sands Oxendine; brothers, Rev. Walter (JoAnn) Oxendine, RG Oxendine.

Ruby Nell Haggard

Ruby (Chesney) Haggard-age 89 of Knoxville passed away Sunday morning, August 25, 2024, at U.T. Medical Center. She was a member of Halls Baptist Church and a retired employee of Knox-Porcelain Company. Preceded in death by her husband, Delbert (Dick) Haggard; son, Richard Chesney Haggard; parents, John and Rebecca (Meltabarger) Chesney; brother, Arnold, Nelson, Bert, Joe, Bruce, Pryor and Jake Chesney; sisters, Teeny Bryant, Nerva Whited, Oma Hayes.

Wesley Dean Taylor

Wesley D. Taylor-age 86 of Washburn passed away Saturday evening, August 24, 2024 at his home. Preceded in death by his parents, Keith and Sybil Taylor; brother, Don Taylor; sister, Mildred Johnson.

He is survived by his wife of 59 years, Sharon Taylor; daughter, Sandi Bonanno; sons, Dan Huckans, Rick Huckans, Chucky Taylor, Ken Taylor; several grandchildren and great grandchildren.

No services are planned at this time. Arrangement by Cooke-Campbell Mortuary, Maynardville.

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