Plainview awards scholarships

Mayor Gary Chandler (left) and Vice Mayor Richard Phillips (right) congratulate Plainview Scholarship recipients, Anthony Baker and Annabelle Schwartz.
The City of Plainview awarded two scholarships at the regular meeting on May 14, 2024. Both recipients graduated as valedictorians with a perfect 4.0 grade point average. Annabelle Schwartz intends to study first at Walter State Community College and then to complete her degree in Aeronautical Engineering at the University of Tennessee Knoxville. Anthony Baker will attend Lincoln Memorial University to receive a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, which is an undergraduate focus for becoming a Pharmacist.
The Board of Aldermen approved the FY 25 Budget on second reading. Mayor Gary Chandler thanked Mary Ann Brantley, the Plainview Recorder, for her superb work with the budget and the finances in general. Mayor Chandler announced that Mary Ann would be retiring in June and opened the floor for any citizen comments. Everyone praised her for her professional and friendly handling of citizen concerns as well as her financial expertise.
In addition the Board canceled all June meetings in order to hold the early voting for the Plainview City Election. The location must remain secure from a few days prior to early voting to the close of election day. Early voting will begin in the Plainview Community Center on Wednesday, June 5, from 9:00 until noon Monday through Saturday through June 20. Election Day is Tuesday, June 25, from 9:00 to 8:00. Registered voters who reside in Plainview will elect two aldermen and a mayor. Gordon Bright and Rebecca Lock along with newcomer Keith Brantley are running for two alderman seats. Mayor Gary Chandler is being challenged by Lynn Beeler.
Vice Mayor Richard Phillips reported that the Community Development Block Grant in the amount of $425,000 was received to address safety issues on Corryton Road and Wolfe Road. The intersection of Corryton Road and Tazewell Pike will be improved by tiling and filling the deep ditch on Corryton Road and widening the road entrance. Guardrails will be installed on a section of Wolfe Road across from the Jess Jones property along most of the Mike Heiskell property. This narrow section has been the site of several cars leaving the road and traveling down a steep bank to the pasture field below. According Police Chief Brandon Ford, over 30,000 cars had been recorded on Wolfe Road from January 1, 2024, to mid April 2024. Wolfe Road is by far the busiest road in Plainview according to Chief Ford. Grant work should begin this summer.
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